when i see a spot out of the corner of my eye, i wonder, "am i losing vision, is it a floater or is it a fly?" is it just me? dunno, it occurred to me after a night of insomnia.😛
is it just me...: when i see a spot out of... - My MSAA Community
is it just me...
No it's not just you, I have floaters and sometimes think I've seen a 🕷️spider. I don't think it's anything to worry about.
My Dr. said it's a floater nothing to worry about until it gets bigger or starts bothering my ability to see then it's called a cataract. Hope this helps I have what looks like a small piece of thread at the edge of my R. eye.
i have one off and on ...going to ask the doctor again ...
I've had that BlanketTime1 it went away on it's own. did you ever try eye yoga? you move your eyes all around like the numbers on a clock. it keeps them from getting stiff and cataracts. Try it and tell me what you think!
Good luck
or a stroke...nah, I'm with you 🤣
Probably wouldn't hurt to have good eye exam before dismissing. Take care
I have had ginormous floaters for a long time. I even have the personal phone number to my eye doctor as he's nervous one will attach to my retina. He probably has changed numbers by now as he gave it to me, probably 25 years ago!