I had mri done early was able to get it moved up to last tues saw neuro on Friday he is definate that's its ms started me on gabapentin which seems to help with pain and some stiffness, mri of spine will be this tues then whatever is next I'll keep you all updated...gabapentin makes me sleepy but it's better than pain
It is what it is!: I had mri done early... - My MSAA Community
It is what it is!

Ahh, my old friend gabapentin. I did get some good naps in while I was taking it, but my dreams were very weird. Lyrics too. Sorry for your diagnosis, I hope your neurologist can help you and that you’ll share your experience with us.
Good luck.
What Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT) is he recommending?
At the moment hes not recommending but I should get mri of spine tues then follow up if it's not or is clear then idk I've never been here as in ms before so I dont know what's next really
Avoid the spinal tap, do that as a last resort. If he says to make sure say NO, there is really not a clinical need for it, MRI is enough. Take a valium 5mg should do for the MRI. You my dear, are claustrophobic remember. MRI's are very loud and require you to be very still si valium does help. Get a copy of the report and if you are like me a copy of the actual MRI pictures, ask them to mark the lesions for you. They may not do it but it never hurts to ask. If it turns out to be ms, start researching Disease Modifying Therapies (DMTS). There is no cure for this, but it is a VERY DOABLE disease, so do not worry.
When I was diagnosed I was told that a spinal tap was a more definitive answer than an MRI because lesions show up in other diseases??
A very warm welcome to you Shaunaice, to our greatest MSer Warrior Family on the web!💗👍😍 Now your family too, here we get it, may all experience it in different ways, but many on here have had it 20 some plus yrs. & many of us are still newbies, but we're all still fighting this M.onS.terrorist in our bodz daily!!💗❤ keep us posted. & much Love, Prayers🙏& Support for ya!--Jazzy🌹💜
I'm glad you have at least found a diagnosis and explanation of your symptoms, as well as something to help with the pain.
We'll all be hoping there are no lesions on your spine.
Shaunaice, welcome to our wonderful caring group. I have taken Gapapentin for a few years now and it made me sleepy in the beginning but not anymore. I take 2 600mgs capsules 3 times a day. I have taken Copaxone and did good with that. There are so many DMTs available now. If you choose that route do as much research as you can. Keep us posted. 😀
I don't have anything for pain. The pills that have been prescribed don't work for me. I had a spinal tap to diagnose my ms. Went well for me. No problems thankfully.
So sorry to hear this news ☹️ you must be so overwhelmed and exhausted. It's great you found this group. We're here for you. You're not alone. Peace and blessings ☺️🙏 ☺️