Reason #1
Why it's a bad idea to keep bird seed in... - My MSAA Community
Why it's a bad idea to keep bird seed in the kitchen

Yikes! Is it a mouse or a baby rat? Good photo.
"Just" a mouse. I slapped a lid on the container and yelled for my son. He thought it was the funniest thing in the world and took a dozen photos, saying "Oh, isn't he so cute?" before taking it outside and turning it loose in the field. I wouldn't be surprised if he also posted tiny little arrow signs pointing back to the house.
It is a cutie! That little field mouse won't need directions to find his way back to your house!
Cute but no thanks 😂👍🏼🙏😉
they are terrible ...i have food on the porch ,don't know where they are getting in but i hate them ....yuck ...
This has been the worst year for me! I lived here for a couple years with no trouble, but now I wind up with a fresh batch every few months. I'm setting new traps every couple days and catching one right after another in the same spots. Like you, I have no idea how they're getting inside, although it IS an old house. So frustrating.
He's adorable!
I think I would have put it in a sealed container.. one your furry critters can't get into!!!
You want a mouse story? We had a camper, actually 2, no 3 if you also count the..., and all of them had mice. Not one or two, but colonies. Well when you park something in the middle of the forest, up north, and it is warmer than the forest itself, and there is any hint of ever having been food, you will have mice. I tried everything to seal off the trailer. We used peppermint and spearmint oil on cotton balls always. Cleaned the entrance areas religiously, went through bales of steel wool and cases of caulk. Also tried the half dozen guaranteed mice repellents. Yep, if you park a travel trailer in the middle of the forest, and live in it at least a couple days a month, doesn't matter if your foodstuffs are are all properly sealed in plastic containers...they will come in. We got good at living with them??? They never ate anything we could see. They did bring their own food from outdoors. Acorns,.... And they would kindly leave them under your pillow or in your pajama pockets for you! Yep, 25+ years of up north camping in the pine forests, and mice will be there with you. Okay, never saw them, just their evidence of being there.
After those 25+ years, our cat found one in our house, chasing it around the living room. Some 2 dozen mouse traps later, all but one remain, baited with glued on sunflower seeds to the trip levers. But, our home is in a suburban environment, not in the middle of a pine forest.
oh no!!!