I now can type yaaaaaahhhh! Blessing....after this disheartnening week i hope to send hope and love around the world. As with many hearts broke and physically the mentally takes its toll. I looked up at the sky and pondered and asked how could things get messier..they do...then i saw a break in the darkness and thought...you need to grab the light you can while you can. Comfort one another, love one another never add to someones pain. Pray for peace....be smart.Be safe.We have MS and sometimes other things.Sometimes a second at a time and sometimes we get more....We are warriors even if we cant move.We bless one another just by BEING. We are worth it all....never doubt that but if you do....remember we care.Cheerleading a path of hope for a better time.jj
Happy Sabbath, hope you all feel better ... - My MSAA Community
Happy Sabbath, hope you all feel better after the week
You are so right. There's not enough love in this world. We need to reach out to others, even if only a simple smile to a stranger. We never know what is going on in their life.🤗
thanks jackiesj I just read something by Pema Chodron saying the same thing as you. we have to be loving in the right now moment. that's all we have. It's great that you brought this up. Always good to have a reminder of what's important.
Loved this post today jackiesj ! I needed a reminder to look for the light in the darkness.
Amen, my sisters.
you have said it all and we can go with you and yes may we all find the comfort and peace in our world...thank you for sending out such a great and wonderful post ...may we all be blessed and i do think we are already but ha more doesn't hurt ...loads of love and much happiness to all and may we all live in peace and love...take care ...