Hi not on much on electrinics kinda hurts my eyses the light..did my 3 day round steriods..thts up and down with me hows everyone else have with them . n finally got the weighted blanket gotta tell u guys they help u need get a good one.mine has coolin bamboo n it wt glass beads..20 pounds. Off amazon i think brand is ymn..ms society recommends this one..very heavy to fold but doesnt feel heavy when ur sleepin..i need to save for cover they are washable but tht is risky so covers are like strt at 45 so gonna save..i would love to save for a twin for my days on couch. But i would recommend the 60 xb80 size im really satisfied with it..i have another issue does anyone wear contacts..mine are just not workn cant see outta them if u do what would u recommend on whar kind?
Hi everyone hope all had great holidays!... - My MSAA Community
Hi everyone hope all had great holidays!!n happy new year!

It's good to hear from you. That's great news about the weighted blanket being a help!
luvhair, it's Fancy. It is great to hear from you and a Happy New Year to you as well. Glad you found a product you like and that is working for you. Keep us informed of how it goes. We hope to hear more from you as your eyes permit. Take care and remember together we are stronger! Fancy.
Have missed ya lovehair, so very glad u found something that wrks. For ya! Hope & Pray🙏Your eye-sight gets better, Please go get women's irwin's naturals, they've helped me alot, my eyes used to burn & tear, where I couldn't see much too, so I started on those & the burning & tearing stopped! Well, keep us posted how it goes, ❤💗👍We all love ya!💐💗---Jazzy
Hi. I'm glad your feeling better. I wear contacts. I wear the breathable ones. Monthly throw aways. There's even weekly throw aways. When MS affected my eyes my contacts bothered me and so did my glasses. My vision was blurred. I couldn't see out of either of them. The only thing that helped clear my vision was Solumedrol. Then when my vision started to clear, I was back wearing my contacts and glasses. Take care. ❤🌷

So nice to have you back, and glad that you found relief with a weighted blanket. I don't wear contacts so I cannot help you with that but hopefully someone on this forum can offer you advice. Have you seen an eye doctor? ~ pardon the pun
luvhair Hello, Happy New Year to you! It's nice to hear your voice again.