NeuroQuant is software that analyzes a brain MRI to improve the early detection and treatment of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. NeuroQuant precisely measures brain atrophy (shrinkage) by measuring the hippocampus and other brain structures that usually shrink when a patient has certain conditions affecting the brain. NeuroQuant can help your doctor diagnose and follow the progression of certain diseases. (From Cedar Sinai website).
This info/report was included with my recent MRI. Finally I have info we all want and don’t want to know including Juxtacortical white matter (whatever that is), deep white matter, periventricular white matter and, here’s a good one …
Total disease burden (WM lesion volume as percentage of WM volume).
The written report was 15 pages and has lots of info that is beyond my comprehension. I have an appt with my neurologist on April 4 I have lots of questions because my report also has a lot of red numbers on it BUT at least I finally have real numbers so we’ll be able to track changes.
Bottom line … ask your doctor about this. In the US, we can get written reports of our doctor visits. Ask for this.