for responding to my crying fit,i appreciate you all.I went to neuro on wed. he is going to do a mri of my head 4 months early,andi on my spine ,he thinks i may have back problems.also going to send me to physical therapy.he said my collasping knees are due to extreme muscle weakness.may have to wait for PT until my broken foot treatment may include steriods,he doesn't believe i am having a relapse,just extreme weakness .thanks friends
thank you everyone: for responding to my... - My MSAA Community
thank you everyone

It’s wonderful to be able to vent here. I’ll keep praying that you improve steadily. Please keep us posted.
Yay for PT!! I hope that helps keep you from falling too.
we all have our venting days so it is okay and we all do need to glad doctor is checking things out to make sure what is going on ...take it slow till it is healed and much happiness...
Good luck with all that. Great that it’s muscle weakness as opposed to MS related
Happy to hear you got answers and that it is not a relapse! PT helps a lot of patients so that is great news. Keep us updated when you can!
So glad that you are doing better.
That is what friends are for.....
Better (?) news than a relapse. Hopefully they can help you feel better!
that's the plan.......