Has anyone on Ocrevus received any vaccines since being infused with ocrevus?
Vaccines : Has anyone on Ocrevus received... - My MSAA Community

Not covid, but pneumonia or shingles?
Hi Neworkeanslady,
I have been on Ocrevus for 2 years.
I always get the flu shot and am waiting for a appt to get the COVID vaccine. My doc has delayed my next infusion until 30 days after my vaccination. Speak to your neuro or check out the recommendations of the National MS Society.
Sorry, I do not get shingles or pneumonia vaccines. Did you get a COVID vaccine?

Thanks. Yes i alteady got the two covid shots. My neuro sent me to an infectious disease dr before scheduling my infusion to see about vaccines. He recommended some but wa nts me to take an allergist to check if im allergic to something i wasn’t sure about. But allergist isnt availablr for a long time so i thonk neuro wants to just go ahead with Ocrevus instead of waiting for allergist. I got hep A, already had hep B, annd I’m getting shingles one.. I always get flu shot. It’s the pneumonia vaccine he wants to check.

I did. I was asking bc my neuro sent me to infectious disease dr before scheduling infusion to do vaccine check on what i could or should get
Thank you for response
I had a flu shot 3mo after one of my infusions.
Thank you. One of the reasons i was asking is because i wanted to see if you can get vaccines after getting on Ocrevus. Of course Ive asked my neuro but id like to see if any of you have had personal experiences
I had flu shot
Yes. The flu and COVID vaccines. Timing is important when getting a vaccine on Ocrevus. Not too soon before or after your infusion. MSAA released this information...
Always get my flu shots. My neurologist recommended my shingles vaccine before I started Orcrevus and am delaying my next infusion until I'm able to get my COVID shots.
Received pneumonia, shingles, flu and Hep B between six and two months before starting Ocrevus. My neurologist then checked my Hep B antibodies about five months after starting Ocrevus, and I had none. It looked like I hadn’t gotten the vaccine. I’m supposed to get the Covid vaccine between three and four months after my last infusion.
Yeah I got told the same, just finished another morning of steroids, next and hopefully last tomorrow. I’m on the waiting list for Ocreves now. Got told no shots until I take it or I’ll get bumped. My wine delivery arrived, bless her she’s Chinese and I’m friends with her daughter but the first thing she said oh my god you are so fat in 1 week. I smiled as it is an Asian thing. My brother lives in Singapore and is married to a Shanghai woman. I have mixed beautiful nieces and nephews. So before anyone gets upitty I’m not racist but I am allowed on say it. The steroids made me high as a kite this morning, they did increase the dose but it took me back to being 15 and doing a blow back on a joint. Just wow. No complaints, I can’t give any advice this week because I just can’t think straight, but it’s lovely to chat. I joined an online counseling service and have another session at 4, it helps. Fight through and keep smiling everyone
yes, i always get the flu shot,and pneumonia shot ,i believe that is every 4 or 5 years,and i got shingles shot,the old one my dr. said i can still go ahead and get the newer one.they always test my blood before ocrevus,once a year to see if shingle is still active,it is
I haven’t. Per my neurologist’s recommendations I should wait three months after my infusion to get the vaccine. That being said...my last infusion was 1/8/21 so I’ll be getting the vaccine 4/8/21.
At least you’re getting it, my mum took it and she feels awful but she had breast cancer so everything hurts her, bless. She’s in the clear now thank god. I’m on the waiting list for the shot and apparently they will send me a message I bet it’s in Arabic which will be interesting lol
Sorry...I was referring to the covid vaccine only in my reply. I always get the flu shot.
I've had Flu,Shingles and COVID-19. All have gone fine with no issues. When looking into them they are safe as long as they don't have a live virus in them. You can always call your doctor if you have questions.
I always get the flu vaccine. My neuro said the shingles vaccine would not work unless the ocrevus was postponed ( I have gotten shingles twice since ocrevus).
I did find these guidelines for the covid vaccine for ocrevus. The link below has the other MS medications.
Ocrevus and Rituxan (and biosimilars)
If you are about to start Ocrevus or Rituxan, consider getting the Pfizer BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine so that the second vaccine injection is 4 weeks or more prior to starting Ocrevus or Rituxan. If you are already taking Ocrevus or Rituxan, consider getting the vaccine injections 12 weeks or more after the last DMT dose3. When possible, resume Ocrevus or Rituxan 4 weeks or more following the second vaccine injection. This suggested scheduling is not always possible and getting the vaccine when it becomes available to you may be more important than timing the vaccine with your DMT. Work with your MS healthcare provider to determine the best schedule for you.
Very helpful I’ll bring that up tomorrow, it’s amazing that you guys are sharing so much. Very grateful. So just a question the ocrevus can cause shingles? I’ll have to google it , I never heard of shingles
Shingles is chicken pox which i had as a kid but they say antibodies wear off. I hear it’s very painful if you get it as an adult. I’m asking bc theyre readyto schedule my Ocrevus and they’re trying to get vaccines done before bc Ocrevus is immunocompromising
What about a colonoscopy? Anyone get that before starting or while on Ocrevus ? I’m very glad shes (neuro) checking everything but i think she’s ready to do infusion (she said insurance approved!) and I’m scrambling a little to get it all done
I had the pneumonia vaccine before I started Ocrevus. My neurologist told me I had to delay infusion that was due March 4 intolerance 8 weeks after 1st Covid vaccine. I have now had both so am scheduled for my infusion April 5
No, my neuro didn’t ask me to get a colonoscopy before I starting Ocrevus.

Nothing has been mentioned to me but I will ask tomorrow and update
I have been on Ocrevus for a number of years and have had the first of the two vacinations and the second scheduled fot this Tuesday 3/9 have had no adverse reactions it is just like getting a flu shot. Peter
I haven't but I hope to soon get an appointment to get the covid vaccine.
Thanks for your reply. I hope you can get it soon
I received Pfizer Vaccine for Coronavirus