Had some dizzy spells today, but now just feel tired out. I have no real point to make about this...no question....definitely don't have an answer...just venting!
Dizzy day: Had some dizzy spells today... - My MSAA Community
Dizzy day
I know how u feel I had that problem at the end of Dec and the beginning of Jan right b4 my infusion
I talked to my dr about, I told her how I would get get up and how I would be so dizzy I would have sit down or lay down. and that I would be so weak Sometimes I would just have to sleep it off or just stay in the bed for that entire day
The Dr asked me if I had eaten and drank water. I told her some days it would happen as soon as I woke up and was getting out of the bed
She suggested that I add some salt into my diet since I avoided it. She also stated b4 I get up and start moving to drink some water because u can become dehydrated during the night.
So far drinking water at night and before I start moving has helped but I haven’t added salt to my diet I’ve just started eating things that have salt already . After drinking water at time I make sure to get up to go to the bathroom