Can you have pain and spasms on both sides of your body or is it typically just one side? Like I have spams in both both thighs and calves. They also hurt. They are achy and have a buzzing sensation in them . I read it's generally only one limb or one side affected.
Pain and spasms : Can you have pain and... - My MSAA Community
Pain and spasms

For most ot is just one sside so I have noticed but for the lucky few or unlucky I can be both sides. I know this from first hand experience NOT heresay
It’s not unusual for both legs and both arms to be affected at the same time, be sure to let your neurologist know. Take care, blessings Jimeka 😊
I have spasms and tingling in both sides.
It seems that with MS, just about anything can happen. During my relapse, in particular, I had some symptoms on both sides. Most of the residual has ended up on one side, but I still have some on both.
It's unusually,, 1 side verses the other , greaterexp . so u are Right.
But in some people , like myself it hit both sides.(now my left side is weaker)
I experience symptoms on both sides.
In general, my left side is weaker, but spasticity and numbness affect both feet, and both eyes are affected by damage to the optic nerve, though only the left eye has diminished color vision.
I get spasms, pins and needles and numbness in both sides at the same time, or sometimes one side or the other. Left side is weaker now, but right side is catching up and is becoming more active with the symptoms....both arms have had the pins
and needles for several months. Talk with your Neurologist about this! Linda
Based on what I am reading here, sounds like it is not that uncommon. I too get spasms on both sides. Seems to happen more frequently when I push myself too hard. Something I have a difficult time with, not over doing it. I refuse to except my limitations, not always a good thing; I am kind of stubborn that way, therefore my spasms get lively in the evening when I am exhausted. My suggestion is talk to your doc, and try to watch for triggers that may accentuate the spasms. Best wishes to you.
I usually have spasms in my left leg, but every once in awhile I will have one in my right leg.
Hey there😊
Yes you can. I believe once you have lesions on your spine, you can get the pain in both. 10 years ago I was paralyzed on the whole left but now relapses affect both sides. Thankfully 😅 not the whole side at once.