Since it is the last day of the non-existant Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, this is an appropriate photo for carolek572 and Tinker-Belle
How it almost cost me my job--I used to work for a camera store. My boss had the rule that we were never to tell customers if we were photographers, so I never did. A friend of mine worked for a company that was setting up new LCD billboards all over town. Originally, the company would run stock photos to test the signs and make sure they were working. My friend pointed out that Albuquerque was home to a LOT of photographers pro and amature. So why not run a contest where these photographers could submit images, and whoever won, their images would be run for the billboards' tests. The company accepted the idea and created the The Faces of Albuquerque" contest. The images had to be of the Albuquerque Metro area. I was working in the Santa Fe location of that camera store at the time, and hadn't been photographing in Albuquerque much. So the only thing new I had was a photo I'd taken from my balcony during balloon Fiesta.
Well, it was chosen along with 8 other photographers' work! I didn't know it, right away, though. It wasn't until a local news channel ran a story about the " City-wide Outdoor Art Gallery". A reporter was interviewing a Clear Channel official under one of the billboards. And not only did the images appear on the signs, the actual winning photographers' names also appeared on their images!
My boss happened to tune into the news program for the eening, and guess whose photo and name appeared on my boss' TV screen?!?!?!?!?!??