I see my PCP next week; wonder if I should mention this to her. Months ago, I tried getting info from my neuro; her response was "huh, never heard of this." Here's what happens: I am sound asleep, when in my head there is a loud noise like an explosion. I am not aware of a dream causing the noise; the sound is sharply explosive. It wakes me up, and then my whole body jerks so violently that it has made the dog fall off the foot of the bed (where she sometimes sleeps). This began a few years ago, but has recently become more frequent. I'm assuming it is somehow MS related, but just in case it's not, should I tell my doctor? I don't want another "huh" response, but I would like to know what is going on.
Curious: I see my PCP next week; wonder if... - My MSAA Community

I think tell your doctor. I use to have episodes were my hole body would tingle and I would shake like I was freezing 🥶. Haven’t had this for quite a few years, but told doctor about it twenty five years ago and she stated it could easily be related to MS. So I say tell them and see what they say 🤷♀️ I think my became controlled by DMT’s. 😉 Ken 🐾 🐾
I have that a lot—-I have demanded more tests for MS in small town Montana..,
Apparently can’t do till the end of October!
I just want an answer

I would mention it to your neuro, goatgal You never know what the response will be unless you let them know. Tell them as much as you can about this ~ what were you doing when this happened (sleeping), when did this last happen, what activities did you do prior to this happening, etc. Document it, and note everything. You never know what might be germane to assist this from being resolved. Let us knw what develops and in the meantime, Keep Smiling
I was worried until I read the article posted here by Allen5280. I trust those here on the forum more than my current doctors. I may be curious, but they are not. Their responses always make me feel denigrated and devalued.
Is there any chance that you can find a doctor that is more empathetic? Someone like Dr. Allen? That has a lovely ring to it, don’t you think? Keep Smiling, my friend
This is why I rely on you all for advice...
Not confirmed, but not listened too...
I have known my body for many years!
Ive had the same experiences and always just assumed it was a dream. Now that i think back on them, mine are the same. I sometimes wonder if it was a gunshot or a tree falling on ny trailer. I am always "jerked" from my sleep. Now im going ro have to add that to my list of questions as well!
This started the wheels in my head going and i did some searching
Thank you so much!!! I am reassured, Dr. Allen, just send me your fee statement! I've been seeing the light flashes mentioned in the article since my first optic neuritis attack more than 40 years ago but stopped asking about them after several different doctors told me I must be imagining them. Now, I know it's literally all in my head..
I feel blessed to be able to be of some assistance. It also answered that for me as well, no billing necessary! 😁
When the reference librarian post opens, I hope you apply! I didn't even know what to search for.
You learn something new every day. It’s good that Allen5280 has been able to help you. Hope your eye has improved. Blessings Jimeka 🤗
Always blocks me for links...
Tell your Neuro!
We've all learned something new this morning! Great job, Allen, and I hope you have a blessed day, goatgal!
ghheezz! again with the dr's!if it is not in a book ,in their mind it doesn't exist.with ms,we all know anything and I mean anything can happen,find a new dr.It is insulting to be dismissed,makes me sooo mad
Allen5280, Kenu, erash, carole572, jimeka, leking, pamgarner and everyone else. Thank you all for the information, for the support, for the ability to listen and respond. In a nutshell, this is the value of this forum family. Without you each and every one, the road we travel would be so much more difficult and lonely. You are the best!!!
It doesn't matter if it is MS based or not. Yes you should tell your PCP.
You doctors should be working as a team. Any other doctors should be told as well.
Do any of your doctors use My Chart? This is a software program by Epic. The nice thing about it is that your doctors can see all the information from all the doctors notes if the health care networks are using that program.
The UVA system uses My Chart. That is how I can reach my doctors. The difficulty I seem to have is this: if doctors aren't curious about what I tell them, they don't put it in their notes, so it doesn't get entered into the record. For instance, there is no mention in any of my records that my right ankle has been swollen with edema since it was fractured two years ago. When I mention it, I am told to continue wearing compression hose. I no longer even bother mentioning the constant low level pain where the plate holds the fracture together. Evidently both of these are normal reactions to an injury of this sort in someone of my age, but it would be nice if one of them could explain rather than sending me to Dr. Google for information. I don't doubt that fine doctors exist. I just don't happen to have access to them. End of gripe!
Fascinating! Shame on your neurologist for not knowing about this phenomenon and for just brushing you off when you explained your symptoms.
Yes!! Make some noise!!! If the dr doesn't know, get a referral to someone who might!
yes, yes and yes
Hell yes!
I have “strange-dreams “ myself...
I am 53 and don’t know what they mean....??
Definitely going to ask...
Don’t have a appointment till the end of October, with the Neurologist!!’
Huge list of questions!
Definitely talk to them...
So wanna say more... getting tired