OCD?: Since my DX I know that I have... - My MSAA Community

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Jesmcd2 profile image
52 Replies

Since my DX I know that I have become a control freak at home! Things like everything has a place, and it better be there, or my anxiety level will skyrocket! If you say a time, it better be that time! (Dad)🤣🤣

What about you guys? Have you found that about you too? Share!🤗💕🌠

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Jesmcd2 profile image
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52 Replies
erash profile image

That’s my lifelong character trait I can’t blame it on MS

rjoneslaw profile image
rjoneslaw in reply to erash

I'm like erash I was like that b4 MS I think MS made it worst

carolek572 profile image

I have OCD and everything needs to be in a certain place, out of convenience, and necessity, always. I make sure that this is the case because I would like to know that I could find anything, and it drives me nuts that my hubs doesn't think that way. I am constantly re-arranging stuff that he puts away for me. He is always asking where his things are, and he constantly goes out to buy things because it is easier to do that than it is to find them. As for being on time, I ALWAYS tell him that I need to be there a 1/2 hour before I really need to be there. It drives him nuts, but it keeps me sane! Keep Smiling :-D

greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to carolek572

My sister used to be chronically late. We always told her to meet about 1/2 hour before the actual time. We called it "Chrissy time." "It's at 2, but 1:30 Chrissy time."

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to greaterexp


Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to greaterexp


Yes because I don’t want to expend energy looking for some thing and I don’t want to trip on something because it’s not where it should be.

Like erash , I was kind of that way anyway. Now it’s just amplified 🤣

Morllyn profile image

I am similar, but not sure if it is diagnosis or age, or both.😆

jimeka profile image

Always been that way. I like everything organised and clean 🧼

I have anxiety already is SO HIGH that I need to be medicated with mother nature because I was cut-off from my primary psych Dr.

This was because upon my last 🏥 admission , I was already on clonopin and was given valium 2mg.

Also , a prescription was given & filled.

This action cost me my clonopin!!!!


timothy228 profile image
timothy228 in reply to Sweetheartonvdayl

im 65 with alot of medical issues and of course #my m.s. being 1 had cancer 5 yrs ago and all that crap radiation chemo yada yada you dont need to hear my problems in constant pain all my waking hours on 10mg oxycotin same as i was 10yrs ago trying to get pain medication is such a joke if it wasnt so painfull it would be funny the drs and everybody else involved ie Walgreens if any of the people who are so worried about me abusing anything should have to live one week with m.s. or cancer just please give ascipt fpr some pain relief and leave me the alone come on I asked for a increase and you would think a was a 20 somethen asking for herion

TDonahue58 profile image

I'm trying to not let the little things bother me and picking my battles accordingly.

Got enough to deal with my current DX..

Sweetheartonvdayl profile image
Sweetheartonvdayl in reply to TDonahue58

Hi TDonahue58😊

Well,all I gotta say is you're RIGHT!!!

Gotta pick&chose your battles because if you don't others will...


Sweetheartonvdayl profile image
Sweetheartonvdayl in reply to TDonahue58


greaterexp profile image

Though MS hasn't created an OCD problem, I do get easily stressed about certain things much more easily. Is it a brain issue, or is it a natural consequence of worrying whether or not I'll be able to walk somewhere, tolerate the crowd and conversation, get to a bathroom when I need it, etc.?

Sweetheartonvdayl profile image
Sweetheartonvdayl in reply to greaterexp

Hi greaterexp😊

I think it's a combination of both....

Unfortunately , for me , I think it's a brain disease....


TracyBelle profile image
TracyBelle in reply to greaterexp

The brain waves that cause depression anxiety and insomnia are overactive according to a test I had recently. Funny I cannot remember what it was called 🤯

kdali profile image

If something isn’t there, zero chance I’m going to spend the day guessing where it walked off to...because it would take all day. I don’t think it’s MS. I just like things to be organized sensibly and I hate it when an item is in a “dumb place”....especially when I’ve been looking for it in the right place. (do not try to wear shoes in my house 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢)

Imagine people helping you move by unpacking your things and putting them where they absolutely don’t belong 😑

My bays or rooms at work were all organized by work flow and it was beautiful 🙌 it was also very clean.

goatgal profile image
goatgal in reply to kdali

I have moved too many times in my life, so I learned after the first time to spend the time to do the packing myself (or supervise it very closely) and to unpack the same way because the ability to think logically and be organized seems not to be generally distributed among those who offered to help. Are you moved yet? If so, I won't ask if you are settled in because that can take a very long time especially with the distraction of your two darling munchkins!

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to goatgal

Yes, we are all moved and the old house is under contract. One of the spare rooms is collecting boxes of things because I’m tired of looking at them but also have little time to unpack now. I kinda gave up one hot day and took the girls out with the sprinkler going...I’ve been happier ever since 😂

One issue is with CA not working, no furniture was made, so everything is on back order. We expect a bedroom in August and kitchen table and couch in Sept 😬 I hope to be settled before Halloween, because it’s my favorite and I have a new yard to decorate!

kdali profile image

Perhaps OCD or anxiety should be listed as one of the 200 things that may alter genes in a way that make us more susceptible to developing MS 🤔

I am very OCD - everything MUST be put back were u found it!!!

Otherwise, there would be 😡 in the apt.


HensTooth profile image

1) I was already like that. (Apparently it’s part of “the MS personality”...)

2) With short-term memory loss, you NEED things to be “where they are supposed to be” or you will go NUTS looking for them - then forget what you were looking for.

3) It’s my only way to exert control over the few things I CAN control - in a new “MS-World“ in which I have lost ALL control - over my muscles, my schedule, my bladder, my bank balance. 😑

Sweetheartonvdayl profile image
Sweetheartonvdayl in reply to HensTooth


Sweetheartonvdayl profile image
Sweetheartonvdayl in reply to Sweetheartonvdayl

This is to HensTooth😊

I know EXACTLY what ya mean!!!


TracyBelle profile image
TracyBelle in reply to HensTooth

Where can I find out more about the “MS personality “?

HensTooth profile image
HensTooth in reply to TracyBelle

I’ve read of it several times and hated it every time - because it felt so accurate - and I didn’t want to be blamed for my own MS! I just googled it and found this article. (Not saying it’s the best example, but it does describe “the MS personality”.)


...CONGRATULATIONS ALL! We have a debilitating chronic illness, and it’s all our own fault! 😳😤😡

HensTooth profile image
HensTooth in reply to TracyBelle

Here’s a general outline of the “MS personality traits” they point to in the article I referenced before, healingmultiplesclerosis.co... .









...Recognize anyone you know?? 😑😬🙄

I too struggle with ocd (in all areas) but did before the ms. I will agree the control thing is still an issue that I have to work on regularly. I wish there was a magic med for it but I have not found that to be the case! I’ve tried a couple . For the sake of my family I try to limit my need to control...being aware of it is huge but letting go completely I have not mastered. Great topic. :)

janetb1968 profile image

I can be like that on bad days xxxxx 💖

pamgarner profile image

hmmm,looks like a common thread on this site,does control issues cause ms???I think that since we have ms we still control what we can(don't take all our powers)ocd is the one thing I am still good at :)

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to pamgarner

Exactly! Wait, so if we don't control anything, we won't have MS? 🤔🤣🤗💕🌠

pamgarner profile image
pamgarner in reply to Jesmcd2

i say let's try:)

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to pamgarner

That's gonna be tough!😒🤣🤗💕🌠

TracyBelle profile image
TracyBelle in reply to pamgarner

I am so messy🤭! I always have been and MS makes it worse because I get distracted and waste time. Then I forget what I was supposed to be doing and then a mess is everywhere. It makes me hate myself even more 😵

goatgal profile image

I wouldn't label myself as OCD, but I am compulsive with keeping things where I can find them, making lists so I don't skip a step or forget something, and double checking gate latches, door locks, lights, the stove, etc. When I fail to keep things in definite places, like you I become frantic when I can't find something. When that anxiety rises, what I am looking for can be right in front of me and I will be unable to find it or see it. If it happens when I am looking for a room in a clinic or an address when I am driving, this anxiety leads to an almost complete shut down of my ability to function. I'm happier when everything has a place and I am not in a hurry to locate something. Of course, with me, it may be advancing age and not at all related to MS. Not that it makes much difference because either way the anxiety makes me feel incompetent and embarrassed..

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to goatgal

You are far from those things!!!! I should never ever hear those words outta your head again! goatgal !!! 🤗💕🌠

goatgal profile image
goatgal in reply to Jesmcd2

Hey, Jess, if 80 ain't on the cusp of old age, I don't know what is!

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to goatgal

Well you sure don't act like it women! 🤗💕🌠

Bwine profile image

I never, in the past, considered myself to have OCD but now I think I actually do have it. Let me tell you: I like for my salt and pepper shakers to rest a certain way on my stove top with the salt being on the left, pepper on the right ALWAYS. My dishwasher has to be loaded a certain way, my kitchen hand towel has to hang a certain way, my laundry has to be a certain way and if you help me fold towels but do it the “wrong” way and I see you doing it “wrong” I have a fit about it and redo it to my liking and ask you to please not help me. Things in our clothes closets are color coordinated, have to hang on the hanger in the right direction and everything has to face to the left. Toilet paper has to go on with the paper going over the top AND the skinny end of toilet paper holder being put through the roll to the left, big end on the right. The beds have to be made a way that apparently resembles the “Army way.” VERY particular about my beds. You know, after saying all of this I’m starting to realize I must be a huge nut case! I feel very laid back and easy going (for most part), but when I have things to do around the house, I want them done a certain way. My husband used to tell me a long time ago “just because it isn’t done Brandi’s way doesn’t mean it’s done the wrong way.” He was right every time he said it, but I know he has a “way” when it comes to his tools and everything else in his shop. Oh well, I try to never be angry when things aren’t done “my way” I just fix them.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to Bwine

You are going to drive yourself nuts! 🤣🤗💕🌠

pamgarner profile image
pamgarner in reply to Bwine

there is a saying "if mama ain't happy ,ain't nobody happy" i wonder if are all alittle ocd:)

mrsmike9 profile image

I have always been in control. I used to go to an internist and I asked him how I can stop being a Type A personality. He told me I couldn't change but I would have more drive to recover from a heart attack!!

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to mrsmike9

🤔😒🙁 nice advise! How are you doing mrsmike9 ? 🙁🤗💕🌠

mrsmike9 profile image
mrsmike9 in reply to Jesmcd2

Ah, doing okay I suppose. How are you doing?

Neworleanslady profile image

I like organization of my stuff but I don’t like to work to get it that way. Im ocd about some things i guess. But my husband is very meticulous, so that he does enough organizing for all of us (me and kids).

4fishylady profile image

OK, I guess I'm in it with the rest of you. What makes me worse, is living with a husband for 59 years who never puts things in the same place twice, and then him asking me constantly to help him find something! Once, we found the cheddar cheese in an upper cabinet, three days later, molded! He had thought he was putting it in the refrigerator, I guess! Exasperating! I've learned to laugh about it sometimes, or just let him look for it until he finds it! I think he has ADD.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to 4fishylady

Oh geeze! 🤣🤣🤗💕🌠

agapepilgrim profile image

Mine just started last year - definitely happened with progressing MS

4fishylady profile image

Well, now, I'm having to double-check myself. I'm on pred-pak for excessive brain fog, thanks to MS, and it has intensified my slow thought processing! I have to constantly ask myself, did I do that right, or forget something. I re-check my typing to be sure I said or typed it right. Maybe tomorrow it will get better. On 6 pills today, tomorrow cut to 4. I missed the part of where you get lots of energy. Did I forget that too? I'm just wiped out and brain dead. Blessings on your day!

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to 4fishylady

Awww get plenty of rest!! Those 'roids will kick your butt!🙁 Feel better very soon! 🤗💕🌠

4fishylady profile image

My latest blunder....I'm cooking breakfast for my 11 yr. old grandson. I just turned a "cooked on one side pancake" on top of an already cooked one! That's not right! Ugh! Now, recook the unfinished one, and re cook the other one! Some fun around here today!!!!! His were blueberry, I just sliced banana on top of the last one. Tasted pretty good! Got a new treat out of the mess! Thanks, Jesmcd2.

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