Hoping all is well with my Ms fighting family. Figured I'd post one of my latest oil paintings. With covid-19 being a real pain in our butts I figured I would do another painting and maybe another one after that got lots of time since I'm hunkered down dodging the flu epidemic. Wishing you all a safe day and hopefully this painting can bring a smile to your face love you guys.
Just checking in with my latest oil pain... - My MSAA Community
Just checking in with my latest oil painting

I love it. Is it a real scene, or one you did from your own mind. It’s so beautiful and peaceful. Another one well done. 👍
Back about 30 years ago I took my family to the Tetons I took a picture. I painted this in regards to that picture. Since I live here now I live about 90 miles from East gate of Yellowstone. I have a lift chair in front of my window that looks out over the Rocky mountains. I'm very blessed in them aspectsin one way but in another way with Ms in a wheelchair I'm very limited at enjoying what I see so I paint it the best I can and that's how I can enjoy now.
WOW how stunning! I live in the foothills of mountains and am slightly jealous that I can't do anything like this. The colors are spectacular..reallly.
I want to to go there!
Lovely! Is this some place special for you?
wow, great work

Thank you, mhansenm1 for posting this lovely painting. I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were doing. Now I know. Please post more of your precious masterpieces, and yes, they certainly keep a smile on my face!
Great job! I really love the sky colors you chose!
Great job on the painting, feel like I'm there. So realistic looking. You should enter into a contest/show. I believe their is a contest for people who do art that people have entered where they can get their published in a magazine. I believe MSAA may have it? jimeka ? erash ? greaterexp ? do you know/remember where people can sumbit their artwork?
beautiful! Thanks for sharing !