I just had my first full dose of orcrevus in March. I was wondering if anyone had a harder time getting if cold symptoms or any illness? I’ve always had a great immune system could kick an illness fast. I know ocrevus is suppose to lower it but it’s crazy how Much linger it’s taking me to get better. I’ve been dealing with what we thought was allergies for a month. Turned into sinus infection. Had to get tested for the virus it was negative. Still can’t get fully better. Some days are great some days not
Ocrevus and illness: I just had my first... - My MSAA Community
Ocrevus and illness

Sorry to hear. I was very sick with a sinus infection after my second half dose. Had two rounds of antibiotics. Praying for a quick recovery.
Thank you. Not even sure what it is anymore. Stuffed up nose. Post nasal drip so that’s causing an irtated throat. It’s just so hard right now to having to do tele videos and now I’m out of work.
Ever since my second half dose i take claritin once per day. It has helped me with post nasal and throat tightness when swallowing
Once I got sick I tanked fast, but the normal round of antibiotic worked for what I had. I hope you can rest and feel better!
were you treated for the sinusitis? Hope you feel better.
I hope you feel better!
I have only had one cold since starting Ocrevus 4 years ago and it lasted the same amount of time as before Ocrevus. I always start Cold Ease zinc lozenges as soon as I have any sign of cold such as a sore throat.
Hope you feel better soon!
My second round of Ocrevus I had flu like symptoms and it took a while for it to go away. I also had sinusitis right after that was no fun at all. I just had to rest. Its the best thing for it. I pray a speedy recovery🙂
i have had that for a couple of weeks and i haven't had my infusion since december but i figure with our weather temps going up an down with extremes has caused it and now the pollen and now i just take my allergy pills and now i feel great ..take care and just watch what is going on around you and maybe you will maybe figure it out or call the doctor and tell them what you have done and what is going on ...enjoy life ...
It not only lowers your WBC count but it also affects your lymphocytes levels.
The lymphocytes help build up your white count. If you're lymphocytes counts are extremely low it will take longer to heal from a virus or even a common cold.