Wed I was dizzy and nauseus, and later in the evening, I got a bad headache--not the "thunderclap" headache like I had back in November. Just a dull, throbbing one.
Woke up ysterday with no headache, but closer to my beddyby time, another headache--again, just a dull, throbbing one.
Then woke up this morning, no hurting head but the psycho colors and images are back! Oh! And I'm currently looking at my laptop computer's screen and what I'm seeing is upside down and backwards. Damn! I wish I hadn't stopped drinking, 'cause that might straighten things up! Anyway, I'm concerned one of my anurysms is leaking into my eye socket again. My neurologist said blood in that socket would really mess up my vision. But the way things are now, he probably won't be able to keep an eye on those anurysms with another MRA and MRI because they are "non essential, elective" procedures. Just like mty mammogram is.