This is for you @jimeka He weighed in at 17 1/2 pounds last month. He’s going to be 11 yrs old in July. We love him so much and I think he loves us too💕 I woke him up to take the pic.
My big lazy boy! : This is for you @jimeka... - My MSAA Community
My big lazy boy!

Cutie 😺
Cutie 😊 look 👀 at those white whiskers 👍🤗 Ken 🐾🐾
Has he got 4 white paws?
I am not a cat person (I like dogs) but...that is one handsome boy! 😃
He is gorgeous!
- I love cats (and snails v and men lol) with personalities- his righteous indignation is shining through that photo, as is his cat masculinity!!
Black with white trainer sox
That there is a v special cat
What is his name?
Thank u, he’s a dude
What’s his name
His name is Boston. After Boston Blackie, the 1940’s Detective! We rescued him when he showed up
at a friend’s house. They were not able to keep him & called us. After 6 years we found out he’s chipped. The prior owners met with us the next day. After many hugs & tears they gave him to us. Now we are on his chip. They said his twin brother disappeared exactly 2 years after he did so they feel they have a neighbor that doesn’t like cats, trapped them & dumped them. They never heard anything about the twin. She has anew little girl kitty that is strictly an indoor kitty. We got our kitty over 10 miles from where they live. At least we know a lot more about our boy, his birthday, vaccines etc. He will be 11 years old on July 4th 😊💕🥳😻 BTW, he is territorial and is the boss of the block!
What a beautiful cat!

Too cuddly, CalfeeChick Thank you for this post, and Keep Smiling
He's a cutie! 🙂♥️🌹
What a beautiful pussy cat! We have a cat "Black Bart" who looks like a twin to yours. You can't really see him in the cameo beside my name.
Very handsome cat. Thanks for sharing him with us. He looks like he wants to go back to bed lol