Name something utterly ridiculous that you believed as a kid.
I’ll start.
I believed that my mom had eyes in the back of her head.
Name something utterly ridiculous that you believed as a kid.
I’ll start.
I believed that my mom had eyes in the back of her head.
If you pulled a face my mum would say “ if the wind changes, you’ll stay like that “ I never pulled a face on a windy day 😂
damn, I still do
My brother told me it was ok to eat worms 🐛. 😳🤣😂😜 Ken 🐾🐾
I thought a flea market was where you go to watch a show with trained dancing fleas. My grandparents use to go to the flea market. I believe I saw fleas dancing on stage in an old cartoon and put the two together.
My older brother, in a snotty tone, told me I was a person. I went crying to Mom, but she only laughed. It took a day or two to convince me that “person” was not a bad word.
My mother told me to straighten up or she would slap me into next week. I once called her in college asking is she could stil do that because I needed my paycheck early.
Don’t look at me in that tone of voice
My Drill Sergeant told me that once. She couldn't decide if she wanted us to put our stuff in the wall locker or take it out. I was getting annoyed. One of my fellow trainees at one point misheard what the drill sergeant yelled. Drill Sergeant said "put it in". Private heard "get in" so into the wall locker she climbed and closed the doors! We all got a good laugh out of that near the end of basic training but no one was laughing at the time.
The whole monster under the bed thing. I would take a running leap from my doorway onto my bed just so that the monster couldn't grab my foot if I stood by my bed!
I was told by one of my dad's plumbers that what he was pumping out of a sewer pipe was guacamole. I wouldn't touch guac for YEARS because of that!
When I was about 12 I cut my leg really bad on a broken mirror. Some numbskull left it on a chair and I scraped my leg on it hunting for the light switch in the dark. Had to go to the emergency room. While waiting my turn to get checked out, this guy walked in telling the nurse that he had been at his nephew's birthday party and had breathed in helium from one of the balloons. He was talking like he had just breathed the helium in. He told the nurse that he was starting to get concerned because that was 2 weeks ago. The nurse immediately took him in the back to talk to one of the doctors. Meanwhile I'm still bleeding all over the waiting room. But my sisters and I feared breathing in helium for years for any reason so that we wouldn't end up talking like that forever.
Years later I was watching Jay Leno interview Billy Bob Thornton and he started bragging about this practical joke that he would play on emergency room doctors if it seemed like a slow night in the ER. He described that helium thing. Yup. I was a witness to the antic and I must say that I was not impressed by it.
Where we lived we had a succulent type ground cover on the parkways. I thought for years that crayons came from those plants. I found what was almost a whole box of crayons in one time. My Dad told me that they probably grow them out there. So I believed him.
Mothers (and aunts) DO have eyes in the back of their heads!
They do. Don’t they?
I’m coming to this party late are 2 ridiculous things I thought as a kid
walking thru the streets of NYC as a kid I feared stepping on a grate. I thought they were like quick sand and would suck you in. Problem is there are many many grates on the side walks of NYC
At 3 yrs old I told my mother I knew there was no such thing as Santa Claus. It was really the Easter Bunny.
To belive as a kid is ridicolous because they repeat all . To be again a kid Maybe is no so ridicolous being adult.
My older brothers told me I was adopted. I just could not get it out of my head, despite knowing I wasn’t. Ooohhh, brothers! Once they tied me to a cherry tree in our yard when I was about 4, and tickled me til I wet myself. Mom came home and they paid dearly !
my mom truly was a mind reader everytime I thought about doing something I shouldn't,there she was
My dad told me "I can tell if your lying, I can see it in your eyes"....
Never told a lie!
Still don't.
This one is sad, but true. My father was killed in a motorcycle accident when I was 3 years old. For many years, I prayed the prayer, "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee Lord my soul to keep, And if I die, before I wake, I pray thee Lord, My soul to take." Since I was so young when that happened, I was terrified to go to sleep. I attribute some of my insomnia issues to this day, with that traumatic event. Some things hang around forever!
We said "now I lay me" as well except changing the last line to "angels guard me 'till I wake, For Jesus sake. Amen"
When I was little, I thought God’s name was Peter. Then when I learned to read, I realized it was “ thanks be to God”- not “ thanks Peter God”🤣
I did something similar with the pledge of allegiance. The part that goes " for which it stands" I heard and would repeat "for witches stand". I couldn't understand what witches had to do with the flag. My second grade teacher was the one who finally corrected me. She happened to be standing next to me one day while we were reciting the allegiance. Once everyone was done she asked me to repeat that one part. I wasn't the only one doing it either.
If you eat the crusts of your bread you’ll have curly hair. Either I never ate enough or it was a lie, because my hair is and always has been straight as can be. 🤣
I believed my mom felt pain when she was tickled. She kept that fib going until we were teenagers. I never tickled her because she was such a good actress.
My brother told me that Elmer's Glue was really milk.
Luckily, I was able to ask my mom if this was true before the milk dried!
I believed that to. Also I thought there really a man in the moon. I also believed that if you ate the burned bread it would make your hair curly. It never did!
My Grammy always used to Instill in us that cleanliness was next to Godliness. To this day me and my 3 siblings like everything neat, tidy and clean.
Moms DO have eyes in the backs of their heads! Men don't understand because they don't have them.
Sing At The Table
Whistle In the Bed
Boogy Man Will Get You Before You're Dead.
Needless to say I DID NEITHER.