Watch out for that distracted Walker Gia... - My MSAA Community

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Watch out for that distracted Walker Giant trip hazard. !

Fancy1959 profile image
23 Replies

A family I wanted to see how many of you all had to dodge other people who were walking while answering texts or playing on their phones? There should be a ticketable offense if they're on a public sidewalk and they are actually walking with their nose on their screen. They're definitely a huge trip Hazard and not to mention Nakia straight down your back hazard. If I am lucky enough to be in my electric scooter. Then I sometimes I actually let them bump into the scooter. Hoping to give them a rude awakening of how dangerous their activity is. . I have literally almost been knocked down with a walker in my hands or a cane in my hand by people who just simply didn't care and bumped me out of the way or ran over top to me.

Let's share each other's ideas about how we handle it and how we prevent from being mauled or knocked down by people who are distracted walking. I have the fourth. I had an umbrella with me taking the umbrella and post them slightly before they bashed into me. So they knew to look up. . Because it's the same with the cane and I think that would be relatively effective without causing any permanent damage to either you or be distracted Walker. . Share your ideas, and we'll see if we can knock this problem in the head so to speak. . Fancy.

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Fancy1959 profile image
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23 Replies
MarkUpnorth profile image

Now wait a minute, I was in my own house, no one else home to get in the way of! Referring to my distracting walking fall. And, I was simply checking my list of what I had to check in the basement to see if I had it for dinner. As far as other people, yes there is a lot of them. But I drive a good sized SUV, with a cattle guard across the grill (just kidding), but I should get one, so I can simply sweep them out of the way! I take it in stride. Just like the geese that walk out into traffic, you stop, wait, and let them pass. (BUT, distracted walkers, you may hope that someone else doesn't see them and they teach them a lesson? - Nah!)

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to MarkUpnorth

Okay, smart stinker! You know, I wasn't talking about you. Walking unprotected around your own house. . LOL. Although many of us do just that I'll commit and agree to admit that I do it also. . I was talking about being out in public and being run over by people. Who either are. Stuck to their phone doing emails while they're walking or watching videos. . Or simply are so rude. They either want to get around you to go quicker, or they don't care. If you're in your spot. They can push past you and They have little fear of you being able to catch you because of your disability. . They don't know me very well. Do they, haha! I might be disabled, but I can be a mean old bitty when I set my mind to it. . Well, it's the people who think they can get away from me cuz they underestimate my resolve to do so. He he!

I have wished they would learn their lesson without me having to be involved in doing it. LOL. When you see them running into multiple othder pedestrians walking toward them or bump into people walking around them. around them,, you'd b think sooner or later somebody's going to put a foot out and trip them and make them hit the ground. Hard! Oops You're making me think wicked thoughts Mark. Shame on you. ! LOL! You're good for the soul. Keep posting and stay in touch. . Take care until we speak again. And remember together we are stronger.. And don't forget to search for a new neurologist in your area that doesn't give up on you and allows you to try all the new things that have come out since you have given up on Therapies in general. If you need help in that search I can provide you phone numbers that might assist you. Just give me a shout and I'll send in your way if you need them. . Fancy.

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to Fancy1959

1. Like I said, a big SUV with a cattle guard to keep from damaging your grill when you run them over. I think you can get them for your walker or wheelchair too? But you may need a bit more horsepower.

Yes, doesn't matter if your disabled or not, there are some really rude people in too much of a hurry to even care.

2. My Neuro's did not give up on me. I fall into the ever growing group of M.S. patients having taken DMT's for years, no longer able. There were other things out there, but it didn't take much checking to see that even the agencies overseeing these alternative drugs were advising for people like myself not to attempt these new DMT's, not handling the old ones.

Besides, I haven't had a relapse in 6 years now, and like I was told, there are some old timers like me who after many years, just stop having relapses or progression, they don't know why. Said nothing about getting better, just not worse. However, I have noted small improvements, small, but including at least one I was told by many doctors there was not coming back from the residual damage from optic neuritis, which I had over the years 7X. I'll keep up the healthy eating thing I'm working with. I've lost the cane. And now I only forget why I went where I was going only once in a while, whereas in the past, well I really should have been posting post-it notes to my forehead, but I chose to get the extra steps and make the same trip over and over each time I forgot!

TexasLawman profile image

I just steel myself and let them run into me. I put on my cop face and grumble “get your face out of your phone and watch where you are going.” It works every time.

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to TexasLawman

How tall of man are you Texas lawmen? I imagine. Your height whatever it is. Give you much more of an authoritative look than a little old me. It ain't my scooter at 5. Foot 5 in. Those totally discount me because I can roar when I set my mind to it. It was a strategy I learned to use will when I was a section supervisor for a large school district and work with the transportation department. I've been known to use that voice more than once when there was a fight on the bus. I was on two separate the combat. Or to stop unruly behavior that went on and on and on. . Thanks for sharing and it's always good to know other people handle simular situations. Take care. Fancy.

TexasLawman profile image
TexasLawman in reply to Fancy1959

I’m 6’ tall and muscular. I’ve learned how to be intimidating.

Royjr profile image

This is a good conversation to have but unfortunately I don’t think one person is going change this.

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to Royjr

Why Royjjr, You don't have to change the entire worlds outlook on the subject just the tiny space that you inhabit to make yourself safer and more comfortable. Any additional bleed over is a big benefit and truly miraculous because I agree with you that one person isn't going to change everybody's pinion..

One thing I would love to see happen is the MS community., is to become much more active in National events and use their voices to educate people about our dreaded disease. . People know what cancer involves. They know what allhymers involves. In the last few years, they become somewhat educated about Parkinson's disease. . But if you .ask the average Joe on the sidewalk what MS iis.. They simply don't know how to respond because they're unfamiliar with MS, The only ones that have a clue are people who are either dealing with MS personally or helps someone they love or someone they are close to deal with MS. So getting ahead of myself here. Next month is Ms. Awareness Month. . Let us all right now plan on getting involved somehow somewhere to help educate everyone around us about Ms. . I'll just put in a post up tomorrow about brainstorming for ideas how we can help to educate our communities about MS. Take care until we talk again and remember together. We are stronger! Fancy.

Frances_B profile image

Away from my house I use a 4W walker all the time and if it looks like they are about to bump into me I just stop and stand still as I'm less likely to fall if I'm not moving. It also means that they can't accuse ME of running into them. The ones that really p... me off are those who bump into me and then act as if it was all my fault and that they have done nothing wrong. Sometimes it's almost too big a temptation to not deliberately run into them or trip them up and then say something about "Serves you right - get your b.... face out of your phone", but it is a temptation I have resisted so far and will continue to do so because I reckon my bruises would be worse than theirs if I fall :(

And if you use a walker - have you noticed how many people try to rush through a doorway ahead of you - some almost push you out of the way to get there first. It's not as if a 2 second delay waiting for the "poor disabled person" is going to cost them anything - whatever happened to "common courtesy" - the problem seems to be that it is no longer common any more...............

jimeka profile image

I had to go into the pharmacy the other day, people were sat waiting for their prescriptions. I struggled to get through the door with my walker as I could not push the door and my walker at the same time. The pharmacist stood and watched me, then when I finally made it stood behind the counter and said “may I help you “ to which I replied, “ this is the most unfriendly disability hospital that I know of” she just completely ignored me and when I had filled my prescription let me struggle to open the door to get out. Sometimes I think some people enjoy seeing others struggle. Great post Fancy 🤗

erash profile image

Often my response is “awe”! They can walk, talk, text and drink a cup of Starbucks all while balancing on 8 inch spiked heels 👠

It’s like a magic act!

goatgal profile image

There is a lack of common courtesy in so many places. Here, in my small rural community, I am often pleasantly surprised by strangers who hold a door open when they see me coming, offer to put my groceries in the car or put the cart back for me, or pick up something that slips from my fingers. It makes the shock even greater when people are reluctant to move so I can take my seat on an airplane, or push past me in a crowded aisle, or hurry around me on a narrow walkway...and their faces communicate so clearly their displeasure at being inconvenienced by someone they evidently see as old, useless, and in the way. I first noticed this decades ago, when my mother wanted to go out to a restaurant, I would follow behind her to keep her from being bumped as she moved her walker slowly to our table. Now those displeased and impatient faces are directed my way,, all the more reason to be thankful for the courtesies expressed in my little podunk town.

goatgal profile image

My mother ingrained one phrase in her children: there, but for the grace of God, go I. Evidently this has been forgotten or fallen out of fashion.

Texandyroe profile image

I will say, as goatgal mentioned, that one of the advantages of living in a podunk town is that it feels like people are much more friendly and in less of a rush. Here in podunkville, most everyone I’ve encountered have literally gone out of their way when they see me coming with a walker - hold a door open, move to the edge of the walkway, or help me it it into or out of my car. Now, when I go to the big city, I use my secret weapon - my husband installed an bell and an air horn on my walker. I’ll tinkle the bell first... but if that doesn’t get their attention - the air horn does 🤣

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to Texandyroe

I like that, I may borrow that idea, my grandsons will enjoy blowing it for me, 👍 😂 🤣

Peruzzot profile image
Peruzzot in reply to Texandyroe

I love the air horn idea! Though now that you've planted an idea...I wonder how hard it would be to install a fog horn🤔🤔🤔

Texandyroe profile image
Texandyroe in reply to Peruzzot

Shouldn’t be too hard 🤣. I’ve often wanted to attach rocket launchers to get the attention of the really oblivious folks, but hubby has advised against it. 😂🤣🤪

Peruzzot profile image
Peruzzot in reply to Texandyroe

Jet packs!! I'm in!!!😎

pamgarner profile image

society does seem to be saying"what about me?,can't you see I have things to do and how dare you slow me down for 3 seconds!"on the other hand,there are oodles of kind people that let you go first,help you anyway they can.:)

mrsmike9 profile image

I think that by adding a bicycle bell we can ring it as they come close.

Peruzzot profile image

Someone sent this to me years ago. Thought I would share. Seeing eye people.

rjoneslaw profile image
rjoneslaw in reply to Peruzzot

I like that it was funny

Peruzzot profile image

Even when I do use my cane or walking stick I haven't had the problem of people walking into me because they've had their faces stuck in their phones. I have been nearly run over by little kids who get tunnel visioned on something they see straight ahead of them and are running to it.

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