Hi everyone! It's Rob. Yes again. Sorry.
I am writing this time about medical equipment, like 4 wheel walkers wheel chairs canes etc. Turns out my insurance would only cover a 2 wheeled walker. I REFUSE at this point to walk around with tennis balls on my walker, GRRRRRRRR. So I hopped online. The app I use to buy useless Sh&^ Anyway, I put in walker in the search and instantly was bombarded by free or next to free equipment. I got a brand new Wheel chair and 4 wheel walker for free. They were in a shed so they need a good cleaning. I also got another 4 wheel walker for 35$. The local bike shop checks out brakes on these for free. So I can make sure they are safe. So don't count out craigslist and apps like letgo for these things. Also, if you have a local senior center like we do. Yes, Im only 42. But it is open to anyone. I used to use their wood shop. Man that thing is awesome! Anyway, Many people donate walkers, canes, wheelchairs and other medical equipment. You most of the time can have it for a small donation to the center or even free. So I would encourage you when you move up on something. Donate the thing you aren't using anymore. I would also suggest to list the things you don't need for free or close to when you don't need them anymore. Pass it along.
I am putting this other for all of you living on the state. Or have no to crappy insurance. These are some awesome resources to get those things we need, but Just can't afford.
Hope this helps some of you!
Again, Have a great day! you are all in my prayers!