I am very familiar with mri's,but lately I have just been more aware ,I think.I seem to be more fatigued and seem to be weaker in my legs ,I had to get down on the floor and could not get up, hubby was home,thank goodness.It is harder for me to do daily life,shower,do dishes ,laundry etc.I do have dr appt in sept.I thought maybe it is the daily 100 degree heat or is it depression that it takes 5x the effort to do anything. this ms.thing is a disease of mystery or progression.........I wish for all of us a true answer.it is wonderful to know I am not alone.......thanks y"all
how do you know you are getting worse? - My MSAA Community
how do you know you are getting worse?

I know the heat really effects many aspects of my life 🥵. I slow down, my walk is off, drop things, etc. I have really gotten better at judging the amount of time that I’m in the heat👍. Things out side are just not that important to jeopardize my health 🙏😉. Good Luck at the doctors appointment 👍 Ken 🐾🐾
The heat can sure do a number on us, as can depression. Have you seen your neurologist lately. He/she could give you an evaluation to see if things have truly changed. I hope it’s just the heat and a temporary issue.
I knew I was getting worse when I started to develop new symptoms and the ones I did have was taking a turn for the worse as well.
Now I know if I experience anything new no matter what go directly to the ER no if but or and about. Both of my neuros told me this
that is what I am afraid of, getting worse.my dr told me the same about going to hospital,he also added,if new symtoms last longer that 24 hours.I have weird feeling and things new all the time.I am ok maybe just really tired of this disease...there will be better days ahead i am sure
pam, I know what ya mean by the heat,, it doez get yicky feelings, && bout of depression happens too...yes, this M.onS.ter is sometimes a mystery, but I have learned to clean out my leaky-gut, by Ann Boroch's Ebooks or paper-backs, "Healing Multiple Sclerosis", & "The Candida Cure", when our guts are clogged up, our bodies are...clean them out & Start feeling. Much, much Better & no more pains or aches! This diet is awesome! L💗VE YA! Jazzy🌹💜
I agree the heat will eat you up and make everything worse. I live at 73F and cheat at night for a few hours to go to sleep. have you trued cooling wrist pads ankle pads, scarf and cooler vests? I am not sure that there is an easy 200% sender sorry.
hope it helps
My memory has gotten so much worse! I have big blanks in my head where I can't remember anything. I printed out something that was super important and have no clue where I put it. I've looked everywhere and my husband has too. No idea what I did with it. I don't even remember that I DID do something with it. It's getting scary.
The heat, absolutely. Internal, fever, and external.
Three years ago? Hope everything worked out. I cannot survive without AC in hot weather.