Hi...I'm new - thanks for letting me join.
Thank you.: Hi...I'm new - thanks for... - My MSAA Community
Thank you.

Hi and WELCOME! 🎉😊❤🌷
Hi jewelrygirl glad u found us we are here to listen to u with what ever you want to talk about. Just remember we aren’t doctors but we can let you know what we have done when we go through different situations.
I’m ssdw1958

Hi jewelrygirl Welcome and Thank You! For joining us! 😊 I don't think you will find a kinder group of people out there that, well, get it.
How long have you been diagnosed with MS? We all learn from each other. That and I'm nosey 😂 Please feel free to jump in anywhere!🤗💕
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to a great group! I hope you find as much encouragement, information, and support as I have.
We look forward to getting to know you better as you feel comfortable.
Be sure to check out all that MSAA has to offer:
Welcome, jewelrygirl! You now have a second family! Don't be shy - jump in when you have any info to add or questions to ask. More than likely, someone here has experienced the same thing you are right now.
Welcome to our crazy 😜 group of MSers😁. This is a great place to vent and find out lots of information on MS by people who care and understand 👍. I was diagnosed twenty three years ago and I have been on seven different DMT’s. As they quit working and new ones were available I was able to change and slow the progression. 🙏. Look forward to hearing more about you and feel free to jump in anytime 👍 Ken 🐾🐾
A very warm welcome home jewlerygirl💗, just as ever1 else has said, U R now family too, & please feel comfortable to ask any?'s, or just rant, be supported+ encouraged & even some laughs, these are an awesome family of MSer Warriors & very cute & funny people!😀😃👍So, again Welcome!❤💚💗I am Jazmine💜 Rose🌹
welcome to our group, this is a good place for information, questions, info, and have meltdowns if necessary
Wait just a minute! Who let you in? Just kidding. I snuck in through the back door, and they haven't realized yet! Welcome! But really, we need to see your M.S. card! LOL!
Welcome! We are so glad you found us, it is a wonderful family to have. Kelly
Welcome Jewlrygirl! Nice to get to know a new one, sad there are so many of us but..there is strength in numbers.We laugh, cry, share info, our animals and gardens or tears...its all ok.These are GOOD people...
Glad you found us! This is a great place to share the good and the bad, to get some insight on what others are going through or have been through and to ask questions.
Hi there nice to have you are you newly diagnosed or just find us? Welcome either way come on in & stay awhile pull up a chair & get comfy.
Warm greetings jewelrygirl...this is a very nice group to join...we’re here for each other in any way we can...🦋🌷