Saw this and wanted to pass it on. We have all heard this.
You’re Tired? What Did You Do Today? - My MSAA Community
You’re Tired? What Did You Do Today?

This is spot on! I'd like to send a copy of this to everyone I know. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks R.J., Right On!👍💗😕To those who don't understand!😰 Get it, & U'z Will!💗👍Love Ya!💗---Jazzy💜🌹
The crying bit hits home. I don’t know why but I feel like crying most mornings when I get in the shower. At least it washes my tears away. Blessings Jimeka 🦋
rjoneslaw Even after explaining the 7 spoons theory to some people, they still don't comprehend. Perhaps this comes in poster size? or wallet cards, to pass out to the oblivious?
Yeah, my parents both went to their graves never understanding. Years of trying to convey the idea to them, by talking to them about it, letting them know what the doc's were saying about it, sending them things from various respected sites, on, and on, and on, and on...... Nope, never got it. My fault, never cried about it. Grin & bear it with as little complaint as possible. Still have a surviving crazy lunatic bXXXX sister, who lived off them till they died, never worked decades because she couldn't hack the working world, while I was doing 80 hour work weeks for most my life, she still doesn't get it as well. Doesn't get with the rest of the world either, overcome with anger issues that took over her 30 years never counted on her comprehending. Her anger over my not being able to do everything for her so she could play with the dogs........take her dog to it's regular spa treatments,..., work in her garden,...from the one living off my parents. Yeah, gotta let it go.
Parents never understood.....nearly 30 years....., "CLB"... well can't expect the mentally ill, even if she is so B'y with not a friend in the world, but her dog that has issues as well and would be put down by any shelter based on it's aggressive behavioral issues thanks to her owner. Yeah, there are those who will never understand, even if you stapled it to their forehead.
So very true! Wish I could tattoo it to my forehead so everyone could see!
Thank you