Hello, everyone. My hubby and I are back home after cruising from San Francisco to Hawaii and back. Fifteen days of pure pampering, relaxation and no responsibilities. It was too cold to keep up with my aquatherapy but I exercised like a maniac in the ship's gym. It rained almost the entire time we were in the Islands--we went to four--but that was OK. We actually had been there 37 years ago when I was still a baby lawyer and had to argue a case before the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit which was sitting in Honolulu, but I did miss getting a better view of the Big Island--it was pouring in Hilo, and although we did go to Volcano House and Volcanoes National Park, we couldn't see anything because of the rain and because so much of the Park was closed off due to the recent eruptions. Still, an interesting trip over all and there's nothing ever wrong with hanging out on a cruise ship! And, we spent a couple of days in San Francisco, visiting friends and sightseeing at the places which were the epicenter of our misspent youths--Haight-Ashbury 50 yrs later. It was such a weird feeling being this age and being there, especially having to rely on a walker...sometimes I guess it's just better to let sleeping dogs lie. But to those of you out there, OMG please wear masks when you go outside! My throat is still sore and ny nose is running like a sieve from the smoke!
I am still recovering from the last "pseudo-relapse" I had last March due to the UTI and a bad bite from my sister-in-law's psychotic mutt. As you know, we rescue pit bulls and volunteer at the local humane society, and I end up getting bitten by this supposedly domesticated beast. Between the foreign bacteria from the UTI and the bite, I had the worst relapse since May 2011 but there were no new lesions, so the neuro calls it a pseudo-relapse. Whatever, but the symptoms are still bad. I'm still using a walker and still falling without it. I do not intend to stay like this forever--I have been applying for service dogs but the wait is painfully long.
Sorry that I don't post as often as I used to. I am finding stuff to do to keep me busy, and this site has gotten so big that it's harder for me to keep up. But that is a good thing...everyone should have the level and quality of support that this chat space offers, and the more the merrier. I feel that sometimes this is the only place where I can be understood and accepted the way I am. Everybody deserves that. I even feel that I actually have made some friends on this site, and even though we may have yet to meet in person, we have found comfort in sharing one another's lives.
Peace and love,