Yesterday I submitted two pictures to the MSAA Art Showcase for consideration. I’m hoping to make the cut.
MSAA Art Showcase : Yesterday I submitted... - My MSAA Community
MSAA Art Showcase

WOW! Craig, those are great. I don't see why not!😃😄👍--Jazzy💜🌹
i love them congrats and good luck. they are wonderful
Good luck!

Absolutely gorgeous, inspiring, and wow! Can we vote to have them in their showcase?
Incredible. They certainly have the wow 😯 factor. So not only do you make guitars, teach guitar, you paint as well. You dark horse you. Talented or what. Amazing. I hope you win, you deserve to blessings Jimeka 🦋
Y’all are too kind. Thanks for the nice words.
These are fantastic!
Both of those are Great 👍. Zebras 🦓 are so cool they way there colors are 😊 The Tiger 🐅 is also way cool 😉. You are very talented 🙏👍. 🐾 Ken
Those are awesome! The Zebra should be a bit more concerned being so close to a Tiger! 😁
Awesome! Wow!
I think they all get on the website but only some on the calendar ???
Those are great!
How do you submit stuff to the showcase? I have a few photos that I would like to submit.
Thanks for your interest in MSAA's Art Showcase 2019! You can find all information about how to enter on our website:
However, at this time we do not accept photography.
- John, MSAA
Incredible! You're incredibly talented in many things!
Those are awesome!!!
Wow! I didn’t know we were being monitored. John, you’re kinda freaking me out. 😆
Thanks again for all the glowing thoughts. I really appreciate it. This is what keeps me sane(r).