I have my right thigh going numb every once in awhile. It generally is like that during the night and in the morning. When I say numb, I mean NO feeling at all. So odd! My calf and body are fine, it's just my thigh. I've heard people say their legs go numb, but just the thigh??? Any ideas?
Numb thigh: I have my right thigh going... - My MSAA Community
Numb thigh

Mrsmike, sweety, like they say, this M.on.S.ter effects us all so different, my toes are really numb + tingly at night, but freezing cold, it is very odd, & my dumb right hip keeps getting cramps, I've noticed whenever I'm constipated, more pains come on, so I have to do a slow cleanse of my bowels! 😡M.S. is Weird as our wires are outa wack! 😕😄
prayers🙏& 💐Blessings for ya!Love ya!💗💓--Jazzy🌹💜
What a bizarre thing we deal with. I have intermittent numbness in an area of one forearm. It fortunately isn’t very troublesome, but just a little annoying. I hope you’re careful to avoid injuring that area.
My left thigh did this off and on for about three weeks and quit. Has not done it for about four months now? Strange?🤪 🐾👍 Ken
My left thigh muscle would give out just above the knee while walking. When I tried to describe it to my neuro, he told me it was meralgia paresthetica and was annoying, but harmless. The symptoms I found online didn't match what I was experiencing, but to me it sounds a lot like what you're describing. For me, I think it has something to do with sleeping on my left side. My symptoms eventually stopped after several months.
mrsmike9buffering The damage MS does to our CNS afflicts us in so many different ways. I haven't had a whole thigh go numb, but my feet do, sometimes a hand or a forearm, and I had a year or two of loss of sensation on the top surface of my thighs. Since these come and go, I just chalk this up to the chimera of MS.