I am supposed to be getting another MRI on my brain soon. My doctor told me there was some issues going on with people getting bad side effects from the dye that is given during the MRI. Therefore, I won't be able to get a MRI with dye because of it. Is anyone aware of this issue that is going on? Has anyone experienced any issues with this?
Does anyone know what is going on with t... - My MSAA Community
Does anyone know what is going on with the gadolinium (dye) that is given to you during an MRI?

Yes there has been problems for years. It damages the kidneys and liver. My mother’s friend developed kidney problems from it. She had several transplants but she eventually died from it.
The 1st and last time I had it my arm swelled up like a balloon and I was in pain for a month Now it’s noted in my charts that I’m allergic to it.
If you don’t want it in the future the best thing to do is say you’re allergic even if you’re not because they will try to convince you it’s needed when it’s not.
My neurologist said that no detrimental effects have been linked to the dye accumulation. I'm uncomfortable continuing to get the dye with the MRI, but he thinks it's important and keeps taking me into it.
My last neuro said there were some problems with the dye (gadolinium in the dye remaining in the brain of some people for a long time — months to years — after receiving GBCAs) and doesn't order it for his patients unless there is something in the report and then he will order another MRI with dye. I have never had a problem with the dye and have usually had MRI's every year or every 2 years.
Article on it: livestrong.com/article/1789...
I had multiple MRIs for years then took a break for almost 10 years. In the end of May I had my most recent MRIs and I think I had some sort of reaction. It felt like someone stabbing me in the arm where they had the IV and the pain would come and go (even waking me in the middle of the night) for over a month. It has pretty much subsided now but I’m adamant that I will not get contrast again. I have not seen my neuro since so I hope he supports me in this decision.
Most of what I read sounded like it was only a problem for people with any level of kidney disease, which makes sense if you can’t filter, then you will deposit it. Personally, I don’t think I would get a MRI for MS monitoring unless contrast was ordered because I think it’s a waste of time.
Never had a problem, thank God. I've enough going on!