Hi, I am 50 yrs old and have had RRMS for 20 yrs. In 2009 I had a VP shunt placement due to Hydrocephalus. A lesion on my brain stem. Now, I've progressed to Secondary Progressive MS and the past two weeks I have had a severe headache, cognitive problems and nausea with visual changes. Do I go to ER or make an appointment with a new Neurologist since I've moved? Just scared.....
MS and Hydrocephalus with shunt - My MSAA Community
MS and Hydrocephalus with shunt
Mimito2, I am so sorry for you. If it were me (and we're all different), I would make a call to a neuro, explain what's happening, ask them if they can see right away. You've moved so you will need to find an MS specialist sooner rather than later. If you're not happy with the answer you can always go to the ER. One does not prevent the other. Sending a big hug and good luck, stay strong with this new challenge.
ER visit for now - I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time!
So sorry to hear this and you're rightfully scared. I agree with the suggestions shared. If you can't get to a neurologist soon please don't delay and get to the ER. Prayers and blessings 🙏🙏 You've dealing with this ugly disease for so long so I know you're a strong person 🙏
Definitely ER if the Neuro can't get you in now. ❤🌷
I am thinking it will take awhile to get in with a neuro, and you need to be sure your shunt is working properly. The ER sounds like the first step.
Hi Mimito2 and welcome. Sry for the circumstances tho!
While no one here is a Dr. Or qualified to give medical advice. It sounds like you need to go to the ER!
Much rather safe than sorry!!
Please let us know how your doing! 🤗💕
And it's ok to be scared! 🤗
I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I agree with everyone. If a neuro can't see
you should go to the ER.
Hi Mimi!!
I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I've gone through something similar...I've had RRMS since 1997 and in 2007 I had brain surhery to remove a tumor near the entrance of my brain stem. I now have a shunt in my head due to complications during the brain surgery. Like you, my surgery was done in/by my Dr in Newport Beach then I moved to Oceanside, CA which is a different county. It was very difficult finding a neurosurgeon to take my case because he didn't perform the surgery. Not until I finally confided in my neurologist, who I'm sure placed a call to one of the neurosurgeons, did I receive a call from the assistant who previously gave me the run around.
You are your best advocate and you may have to jump through some hoops to get a neurosurgeon to see you. Keep on it and get your neurologist in the loop for support.
You're in my prayers!
~Diane Berry
I’m sorry you are dealing with these symptoms. Especially after a recent move and not being established with doctors in your new location. I agree with the other responses that say to go to ER if you can’t get an appt with a neuro quickly. Let us know how things go. Good luck!
Please let us know how you're doing. You're in my prayers.