Does anyone take Magnesium? What dosage? - My MSAA Community

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Does anyone take Magnesium? What dosage?

bxrmom profile image
37 Replies

I have read that it helps with neck pain, and I am thinking of starting it to see if it will help my neck. Have been dealing with neck pain for many years now and see a chiropractor every 2 weeks.


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bxrmom profile image
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37 Replies
carolek572 profile image

Hey bxrmom,

I have been taking magnesium for many years. It is part of my supplements that I take every day. I take a product from Jigsaw Health, and their magnesium is in the form of Dimagnesium malate, 500 mg, two tablets a day. I primarily take it because of my issues with spasticity and muscle cramps.

There are many magnesium products out there, and they don't all have their magnesium derived from the same thing. So, please consult your doctor(s) to see which magnesium might be right for you.

Keep Smiling,


kdali profile image

I take an extended release magnesium when my legs are giving me problems, but I also use a lotion and foot soak with mag in them and think they work better. I think there’s mag oil and sprays also.

Midgey_Midge06 profile image

I take Potassium and magnesium cuz in my blood work it shows i am super low. My doc prescribed me some but the pills were huge and cudnt swallow them. So i went to GNC and those seem to work.

Totally consult ur doctor.

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Midgey_Midge06

Thanks for that I should look into that

ssdw1958 profile image

Hi I am ssdw1958 I have been taking Magnesium oxide 400mg tablets this is only my third month I have been taking one tablet 2 times a day. Well I think it may be working but then again my neck is not the only neck muscle that hurts I do want to let you know if you take this pill it is rather larger than other pills and it disintegrates so sometimes it feels like it’s stuck in my throat. The directions are to drink a lot of water, and so I eaten A small piece of bread to get it down my throat.

But that’s me. But I don’t have anything bad to say about Magnesium.

Midgey_Midge06 profile image
Midgey_Midge06 in reply to ssdw1958

Those pills really r huge arent they? I can swallow all my morning and nite pills at once but those pills- dear lord! Do they not take into account a persons throat before they make them???? 💊💊🕳

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Midgey_Midge06

Well let’s face it there not taking them they probably think big will sell better


bxrmom profile image

Thanks, everyone for your replies, it is greatly appreciated! When I had my physical I was going to ask my dr to check my levels but of course, I totally forgot :( Will definitely ask him next time I'm in his office for something.


Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to bxrmom

You sound like me! bxrmom all that blood work and I forget to ask about vit d levels 😔



MS_Indestructible profile image
MS_Indestructible in reply to Jesmcd2

vit D3 is very important for ms people unless you average 15 minutes of total sunshine everyday. I take 5000 iu per day. There is a D2 but no good for us, must use D3

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to MS_Indestructible

I take 2,000 iu of Vitamin D3 per day. My family doc after I was first diagnosed ran a test and I was REALLY low..had to take a high-level prescription of it for a month. My neuro checks my level and it had been within limits.

erash profile image
erash in reply to bxrmom

I believe for MS the recommended level is around 70. A little higher than for “normal” people 😜

IFwczs profile image
IFwczs in reply to erash

My Integrative Medicine M.D.s want to see an MS patient's level of vitamin D at 100. Even though I have been taking 5K a day for years, I have never been over 60, and I am lucky if I am at 50.

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to IFwczs

@IFwxzs if they want it at 100, why is your daily dose so low? 10,000 per day got me to 70, but I also spend a lot of time in the sun.

IFwczs profile image
IFwczs in reply to kdali

Been down this road already. Taken 10K for some time, but it didn't help much. Spending all day indoors doesn't help.

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to erash

What I take now was recommended to me after I had to take the big Rx of Vitamin D3 in 2007 or 2008. None of my doctors have suggested an increase.

Kenu profile image
Kenu in reply to MS_Indestructible

I have been taking Vitamin D3 for ten years, 6000 iu per day 👍. My neurologist has watched this for years as it was low. 🙏🐾🎃 Ken

rjoneslaw profile image
rjoneslaw in reply to Kenu

I agree with you we need D3. I take D3 50,000 once a wk. my insurance will pay for that but not the 5,000 go figure they will also pay for 1,000 which makes no sense.

I had one pcp ( no longer my pcp) tell me my vit d was toxic and I had to cut back to every other day. Well that was the worst thing I could have done. That was the beginning of the start of my relapse. I immediately went back to doing it everyday but the damage was done that happened two years ago. Now the 50,000 has me feeling better. I now only listen to my neuro and have her tell my pcp what needs to be done

IFwczs profile image
IFwczs in reply to rjoneslaw

I was taking 50K once a month and must have overdosed. I had such excruciating headaches, I thought I had a brain tumor. Went to a daily, and the headaches went away.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to MS_Indestructible

I take vitamin D3 5000 every other day. MS_Indestructible 😂🤣 they just didn't run it out of the pint of blood, ok 7 viles, last WK.😂🤣💀🤗💕


MS_Indestructible profile image
MS_Indestructible in reply to Jesmcd2

okay, 7 viles = 0.75 pint? I take 500mg of magnesium also

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to MS_Indestructible

Smart*** MS_Indestructible !!! Still enough blood for the vampires! 🤣😂🦇🤗💕


MS_Indestructible profile image
MS_Indestructible in reply to Jesmcd2

still 7 viles or 1 pint or 0.75 pints is enough for anybody. I hope they offered you OJ b4 U left. That much would have made me woozy with knock knock knees LOL ;)

BettysMom profile image
BettysMom in reply to Jesmcd2

"Vials" not "viles."

RoseySawyer profile image
RoseySawyer in reply to MS_Indestructible

I take 10,000iu of VitaminD3 a day. And I'm always out side with the family or my furbaby!!! 😊❤🌷

MS_Indestructible profile image
MS_Indestructible in reply to RoseySawyer

one can take too much of Vit D3 but the amount depends on the individual and should follow their doctors recommendation or do their research to find what amount is safe for them. I think the typical and standard answer is 2000 iu per day, but I am not a doctor nor have had any medical training. They do sell the mega-doses on the Internet anyway.

greaterexp profile image

My previous doctor recommended magnesium glycinate for me and thought it may be helpful for preventing migraines. I don’t think it did, but I continue taking only 200 mg per day since I have osteoporosis.

I’d talk to your doctor about the best form and dosage for your needs.

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to greaterexp

Thanks greaterexp When I see him next time I'm going to ask him to run a blood test for it. I was just curious if others took it as I remember there was talk about it at one time.

Memc profile image
Memc in reply to greaterexp

Just reading this post regarding D3 a month ago. There was a study in MI regarding alpha lipoic acid and people with chronic migraine. Those who took 600mg of ALA 2x day had 50% fewer migraines. Bonus a study of gray matter loss in pts with MS who took ALA same dose had 69% lower gray matter loss.


greaterexp profile image
greaterexp in reply to Memc

Thanks, Mary. I take 1200 mg per day in divided doses of Alpha Lipoic Acid to try to prevent brain atrophy. I sure hope it helps. I need all the help I can get!

Memc profile image
Memc in reply to greaterexp

As do I and I sure hope it helps as well

IFwczs profile image

Magnesium is necessary for all sorts of things including the absorption of vitamin D, sleep, digestion etc. I have been taking 120 mg twice daily since I was diagnosed with MS. But there are two kinds of magnesium. You need to get the right kind. Do you have an Integrative Medicine M.D. you could see?

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to IFwczs

I do not as I have never heard of that kind of Dr. I have my PCP and neuro.


IFwczs profile image
IFwczs in reply to bxrmom

It's just a fancy name for a holistic M.D.

hi. I take magnesium every night at bedtime. Magnesium glycinate 120 mg. I also take for leg cramps at night, and also to help me sleep at night. Be careful of which magnesium you take though, cause there are some forms that will keep you running to the bathroom...hence the form in milk of magnesia...

Jazzihorsecat profile image

Hi, Jessie, When taking Magnesium, it is Calcium's traffic cop, to go where it's supposed to, they go together, & i agree with oyrnboy, do becareful which one you get, or it will be bathroom running time...😝😉LOL! Get a cal/mag together @ about 200mg's per day, that's been helping me... Blessings🙏& Prayers for ya!Love too!💙💛💚❤💗💐---🌹💜JAZZY

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to Jazzihorsecat

Thanks, Jazzy! I have been thinking that when I do get the Magnesium, I will get the one with Calcium ;) Jessie

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