Would anyone like to share with me if they were able to apply and get disability? I am a single mom, have two young children....and work has begun to take a serious toll on me. After a day at work, I basically sleep the rest of the day- my kids suffer, which kills me. I'm worried about not being able to provide for my children if I go on disability, and I'm worried I won't get approved because it's hard to prove the amount of fatigue/weakness that I have on a daily basis. 😢
Disability: Would anyone like to share... - My MSAA Community

I was lucky because I have an excellent neurologist that backed me 100%. When I finally decided to go on disability he was with me the whole time and backed my symptoms that I was going through, so I think that was the most important thing. Anytime my job suggested I can continue to work at a slower job, he put a stop to that immediately. Good luck on your decision and keep us informed.
Sadieschafer , I'm sorry you're going through this right now. Struggling at work and considering disability was by far the most difficult stage of this journey for me. There are so many things to think about and so many feelings that come into play.
As Royjr said, it's really important that your doctor is fully on board. Social Security will require reports/documentation from all of your MS-related providers (e.g. neurologist, mental health counselor, PT, neuropsychologist for those with cognitive issues that affect ability to work).
I don't know how much you've been able to research so here are a few things to look at, just in case:
1) First things first—sign up for or access your Social Security account to see what your benefit amount would be if you stop working now
2) Social Security Disability Insurance
3) Disability Insurance (has other info, including a checklist for doctors and info about private disability insurance, if you're fortunate enough to have that, possibly through your employer)
I will send you Jamie Hall number he is the attorney who works with the MS society that does SSI & SSDI and he can answer and. guide you through the process.
Like Royjr said you need 100 percent backing from neurologist and primary care physician and documentation! Mine also went right thru because of this. Next you will need to qualify for Obama Care for you and the kids. You have to be on SSDI for twenty five months to qualify for Medicare. Depending on income there’s all kinds of help for utilities, food, medical, etc. Takes research on your part and get a tablet and document everything, dates, times, names, etc. Will help a lot as you go 👍. Good Luck 🍀 and let us know how it goes 🤷🏼♂️. 👍🙏🐾😎 Ken
You might also do a search on this forum and look at past discussions of this topic. Not everyone visits the site regularly so some voices may not weigh in.
I applied on March 30th, 2016 and I'm still waiting to get disability. It's now 2018 and still no disability. My lawyers are handling it for me so I don't get stressed. ❤🌷
All very good advice here Sadie, it took me two times applying, my 2nd time, I kept up with my woman examiner & my neurologist also helped alot & hub/caregiver too all documentated. Nolo's guide to getting & keeping your disability really helped too on Amazon. That guy used to be an examiner so he knows what's up! Many Blessings, keep us updated.👍😍💗❤💚---Jazmine 🌹💜Rose
I applied in June and was approved by August. First time applying, and I did use an attorney. Highly recommend using an attorney from the start.
Applied first time got denied, called a law firm they represented me and won. U should get a lawyer. GOOD LUCK to you!
I am having difficulty even though I use a wheelchair. my best advice is to get a lawyer. they can work on a contingency basis. Feel free to contact me. Nelson scooterlawyer@aol.com
I got fired so I went for disability right away but I was older. Get all the paper work you can from your doctor, make copies to have at home if any question arises. Make an appointment with SS and go from there
MS is now considered an acceptable diagnosis to qualify for disability. The process is SO cumbersome to navigate. I would look for a lawyer who will take your case for a set fee.
You should be able to qualify.
I agree wity Stemsearcher53, MS is now considered a disabilty. Approved 1st I applied with accompanied nuer letter
I strongly suggest getting a lawyer to help with the SSDI application. Timing is critical. If you send it too early, it is denied and you’ll have to appeal. My lawyer did it all perfectly and I was approved right away. It wasn’t cheap, the usual fee is 25% if the first payment. However, I feel that their diligence was worth it for me.
I totally understand the feeling of angst about this. It is very scary not to know how you will provide for your family.
Make sure you bring all your medical papers regarding your diagnosis to the lawyer so they can process it for you.
If you are in the SF Bay Area, I will give you the name of my lawyer. They were great and very supportive.
Good luck to you.