While having my hair done this weekend, I saw a woman waiting to be helped who
seemed to be frustrated because she had to wait. I suggested "smile"
it works for me. I smiled right at her which made her chuckle!
While having my hair done this weekend, I saw a woman waiting to be helped who
seemed to be frustrated because she had to wait. I suggested "smile"
it works for me. I smiled right at her which made her chuckle!
Isn’t it amazing what something so seemingly little can do? A smile or a joke can diffuse stressful situations.
Keep smiling!
Good on you Leslie, shows what a smile can do, blessings Jimeka 🦋 😊
Leslie, Tov!😍👍Can't wait to See the pic of your hair, i bet it's cute, 😍👍😻😁😘 I keep mine ling, & hub/caregiver is an Euopean Weave hair dresser, so, he loves to play with it, don't think i can handle anymore perms smells though, 😁LOL!😁 but he helps to keep the split ends @ bay. Love ya!💗😍Blessings&Prayers🙏--Jazz🌹💜
😊 Smiling is a blessing!!! ❤🌷
I used to teach cosmetology & taught the students to always smile, you never know what your client has just come through. They could have just lost a loved one, a precious pet, found out they or a loved one has cancer etc. A smile may change their life. I do know that a person told me that they were contemplating suicide and someone smiled and asked how their day was going. That person is still alive today. Always smile when you are in the grocery store, department store or where ever there are other people.
I actually do the same thing. Whenever I'm waiting in line at the store I smile.
When I'm grocery shopping and waiting to pay I turn around and smile at the person behind me.
I usually say do you feel like talking? Some people ask why. I say because it helps the time pass.
I can think of non evasive ?s that get people to talk. It works most of the time. When it doesn't I say not a problem
and don't talk. One girl really enjoyed talking and said what a good idea. I responded nice to meet you.