I do the best I can but admitted that on days...….I am fatigued, pain, in bed etc.I had to eat my pride and ask for further assistance on a couple rooms.My husband forbid it but I didn't care, I take care of issues eventually.Thru church I found someone to come in(not a project I hate being a project)…..but when things were put in their place the relief was amazing.I cried.I do a little box each day myself, moving has been a blessing to do that.Boxes I haven't seen for years(peek and throw....)There are more fun things to do than feel suffocated by stuff. So remember there are resources out there even if the Boy Scouts do the yard! I said to myself..I will bless someone else when I have the opportunity...its OK TO ASK!
This isn't easy...MS and having someone ... - My MSAA Community
This isn't easy...MS and having someone help with the home...

so right, it is all you have to do, if think if you ask somebody wants to help. they just need you to ask first.
I think a lot of people enjoy helping and doing, they just don’t know you need the help 👍. Nothing wrong with asking and you are not losing any pride, it’s just the smart thing to do 👌. Love that Superman Buster 😁. 🐾Ken
jackiesj what timing! Coincidentally, I thought yesterday (for the first time ever in all my days) that I have come to a point where I may need help sometimes. Long ago, before I was old enough to get a work permit, I would be hired by neighbors to clean...and I vowed never to ask others to do what I could do. But yesterday, I had to get down on my hands and knees in a tight space to clean a bathtub and then a flat shower pan in a walk in shower. The shower pan was especially tricky: it is where my dog Maggie takes refuge at the first rumble of thunder, so the mat was orange with the red clay transferred from the great outdoors, and dog hair was everywhere. When I sprayed chlorox on the pan and began to scrub, the pan was slick. Everytime I tried to reach the far edges of the pan, my supporting hand would start to slip and I feared pitching headfirst into the pan. Complicating matters, inner thigh muscles in first one leg would spasm, and then the other. Fortunately I had room enough to stretch my leg out behind me to ease the cramp...but as I struggled to rise from the floor, I worried that another cramp would make me fall into a position that I couldn't get out of. Running through my head was also the old nursery tale of the three sillies, who couldn't do go downstairs into the basement to fetch turnips because they worried about what would happen...if the candle went out, if the axe would fall, if a foot were cut off...etc. But while the memory is still fresh, I need to problem solve how to keep my home clean enough AND safe!
This worries me goatgal !!! Call mymsaa.org 1st thing Monday! And see if they can help you!!!
If they can't. Get ahold of msfocus.org at
888-MSFOCUS (673-6287)
Let me know what happens, and will see about more resources!🤗💕
jesmcd2 Thank you for springing into resource helpful mode! I won't get down on hands and knees in tight corners until I work on a solution. Fortunately, now that everything is more or less clean, it will stay that way for a while. I'll ask around locally to see what resources I find here. I promise to keep you informed. This is the value of the forum for someone like me: aging in place, living alone in a rural area, without others to talk to. Here I can air my thoughts, clear my head, and get feedback from people who are kind, thoughtful, and know what my challenges are. Thank you one and all!!!!
oh, goatgal! What am I going to do with you? You know how very much I love you and I DO worry about you whether you like it or not! Please stay safe, see who might be available in your town. With much love, Kelly
You dont know how you helped me but here is one...because you said nursery tales I couldn't sleep so my MS brain(or the regular one) kicked into Lullabys!So I got on You tube and found 9 hrs of lullabys!OK didn't go to sleep but it sure was a great rest.Screen too bright...Thank you my dear!
I've been trying to find help at home for quite some time with no results. I feel bad for my husband having to do everything. He looks so old lately . I was awarded a grant last winter from MSAA for home care but they never found someone to actually perform the work. The company they hired failed to keep their first 3 appts and then when I complained about lack of filling their contract they used my pets as an excuse saying none of their workers would come into my house with my dogs. (all crated when anyone is here that they don't know just to make people feel safe all though all of my dogs are darlings with people) after telling me the 1st missed appt was caused by the worker getting into an accident, the second time they said the worker called off work....grrrr and the MSAA case worker they assigned me was of no use as I gave her the names of 2 companies that would work around pets.....100 phone calls later I just got so aggravated I gave up trying
There has to be an answer to this issue.Especially since they awarded you a grant.This is a really bad example of service or lack of.What state do you live in and how many pets?The barking often scares off people but....I you have the grant can you call the manager of the companies and go straight thru the boss.They usually make a home visit first(I get tired thinking about it)…..I asked around here for trusting numbers and hit the jackpot.If I was there we would do it together.For one day can you take the pups on a doggy vacation so they would be gone.Friends etc?be glad to talk with you....This erks me to nooo end.If you are in the states I may be able to research and let you know more choices.xoxoxox
I'm in Ohio. I talked to the owner of the company and she was the one that told me none of her workers would service my contract. The had a nurse come out and spend about an hour here eval'ing me and then didn't perform on the contract.Christie was her name and comfort keepers was the name of the company . I was supposed to get 12 visits 3 hr each visit. I have 4 dogs Bandit who is 16 yrs old, Kashi who is 11-12 yrs old. Helen who is deaf and about 8 yrs old and my Service Great Dane Samantha who is 4 yrs old. And we lost Houston (deaf and blind) to cancer since this all started.
Im so sorry, I think reporting a company that doesnt do what it says is appropriate.One time when kids were little I looked over what the government had paid, and I saw complete exrays from a dentist they never received...it is your time and emotion etc put into this,,,send me in chat, id gladly report from here if I had the complete info.Sometimes it is NOT worth the fight.Than somewhere in my soul I have to let it go..not so easy.
Hang in there! Cute dog too.