Is this kind of wacky or what...nicotine... - My MSAA Community
Is this kind of wacky or what...nicotine and alzheimer's plaques to cure MS symptoms?
I got that email yesterday. lol That's some crazy sh*t! 😊❤🌷
Ok, dogdaddy . I realize that Stanford is a top ranked medical facility, but seriously? I think that they now have a bunch of mice running around smoking their brains out and just forgot that they have been given MS lesions by some sadistic, animal-hating mad scientists.....who sponsored the grant for this insanity, Marlboro?
I was thinking the same thing...Stanford is going downhill quick...must be all the liberal thinking Professors
Marlboro...too funny Sukie
But makes you wonder doesn't it?
Sorry, I meant Alzheimer's plaques, not MS lesions....I forgot!
Dogdaddy, it's Fancy1959. I have to like everyone else some serious doubts about this research. There have been multiple studies done on the effects of smoking and Ms and study after study said that smoking while fighting Ms is a big No-No. On top of that we all know that smoking causes serious health issues in many many different areas so we're supposed to help our MS and then kill herself from lung cancer or pancreatic cancer or other cancers that smoking brings on! At least with Ms we know we have a long future ahead of us but was smoking it's a roll of the dice how long you'll be around. The same can be said of Alzheimer's disease. It is a very invasive disease and typically people who developed it have a limited life span in front of them. So once again do we help our MS by giving us Alzheimer's disease? This seems to be a very short-sighted study all the way around and I have serious doubts like everyone else that has responded to this study. Thanks for sharing. We need to find out good news and bad news when it appears to help broaden our knowledge base on Ms and the do's and don'ts that seem to be working best to beat this monster. Take care and till we speak again and remember together we are stronger!
In 1980 on a Wed. I quit smoking an a lot of other things.Any regrets?NOPE…..I figure this could be worse can it be survey does not a chance mean...for me.
Smoking cigarettes vs using nicotine are two separate things. Yes nicotine is in tobacco cigarettes. Nicotine is also used in products to quit smoking. Nicotine can be used separately from cigarettes or chewing tobacco.