Hello my name is Esmeralda I’m 25 years old I was 1st diagnose at the age of 17 years old my MS has been pretty stable ever since then I even had a wonder full son got married to my high school sweet heart. Everything seem great but just 2 weeks ago I got another flair up and had to be hospitalized. It’s been hard for me this time around my balance was affected this time I’m use to go on walks with my family every night after dinner. And now I can’t my legs give up on me now and it scary feeling for me. My doctor told me to do physical therapy to help but I’m scare that won’t work and I won’t be able to walk like I use to before. My doctor wants me to switch medicine as well to tysabri. Just wondering if anyone had any tips for me especially with this hot weather. Thank you 🙂
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This weather has been brutal I just watched the news and it is going to break yeah !!!
I hope you have an air conditioner try to keep cold packs on you I put them on my knees that’s what hurts me the most.
I hope you feel better soon.
Try to keep cool as much as you can and yes do physical therapy. ❤🌷
Welcome to a wonderful place filled with lovely, supportive people.
I’m sorry you’ve had a flair. Sometimes the recovery can be relatively quick, and other times it can take awhile. It’s frustrating as we wait, but I’m sure you’re listening to your doctors and doing what you can to help yourself. I hope you have lots of help as you recover.
Be sure to check MSAA for more ideas about dealing with heat. They do have a cooling vest program.
Please do let us know how you’re doing. We all understand what you’re going through.
A very warm welcome to our awesome, wonderfull, supportive family here of warriors, pull up a comfy chair & good cup'OJo & relax, this group is where u'll receive great, honest support, a virtual shoulder to cry on, & knowlwdgable advice. Do some real, true research on tysabri @ nationalmultiplesclerosis.net they have all the info. There about what it is & side-effects. Also, i have loved this encouraging woman's positivelivingwithms.com & msnewstoday.com very good info there too. Many Blessings to U & much Prayers too.❤😻😍🙏🙏🙏😀 We'll leave the lite on for u! 🌟---Jazzyinco
First, do what your doctor says, do the physical therapy then you can see what shape your balance and leg strength is in. It may take a while (or maybe not so long) Take care of yourself and don’t give into the fear, you can do this!
Thank you guys so much today is my 2nd therapy and next Thursday is my doctor appointment I will keep you guys posted and yes I will try to see about the cooling vest. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today ❤️
Welcome esmeralda341 . We’re sorry for the reason but glad you found.
You came to the right place because we all live with the MSMonster so we understand what others don’t. Any time you need a little encouragement or a shoulder to cry on or just to vent we’re gere for you.
Hope you recover from your flare quickly and def do the physical therapy. It will help you regain your strength and balance hopefully.
I just saw this so u get a reply now. Contact msAA and ask for an application to get cooling equipment. Your financial position determines the cost. Turn your air down to what u can afford and live at that temp.
Stop having hot showers and baths, the cooler the better but not cold.
Hope this helps a little.
What is the reason why your doctor wants YOU to change medicine?