Do you use the MS Manager app? If so, what is your experience? I have always just kept notes on my iPad, either in the calendar or in Notes. However, when I was asked by my neuro yesterday how many headaches I have a month, I really had to just guess because I hadn't been keeping track of that. It got me to thinking I really should be keeping a more accurate or measurable log of symptoms...not just a list. Thoughts? Wishing you all a day filled with beauty.
MSAA My MS Manager app: Do you use the MS... - My MSAA Community
MSAA My MS Manager app
I have been using my MS manager for the last six months and has been working for me 👍. I was not keeping very good track before 😔. Now at least I record four or more times a week 👍. Works for me 🙏🐾😉 Ken
Thanks Tinkerbelle, my stupid pre-paid 8 gig phone won't let me use the mngr, it's already almost full as it is... i need to get a new phone better gigs in it i guess... soon i hope, don't reallyhave the $ yet for it though.... I just try to keep it in my notebook on my phone, plus oh boy that's getting full tooo LOL! .. it's so hard to write or type anymore, w/ these double visisons inmy left eye & they keep burning & tearing up... whew! what a life eh!!!
Could these be Optic Neuritis???
I only tried using it for alarms for when to take my meds. It’s schedule didn’t work out the same as mine. Need to give it a second chance.