for listening to me n all my issues going on??
Thank : for listening... - My MSAA Community
this is the place to do it. we understand. I hope things are somewhat easier to deal with now that you have a place to vent ~terry
This group of people have helped me so much. I'm so glad you feel the same way. We're always here.
That’s what we do and also thank you for listening to me.
You're loved here! Keep sharing - if we don't have each other, who is here for us?
Exactly my 21 yr old deciding he wants to move n with gf he got pg..fight.everyother on.section 8 so i would have to get a one bedroom.which the one i wanted in same building just got rented because i was stupud and not thinkn about mysrlf..praying landlord has anothet one..but heat is comn and i get really bad in plus my son is listed as my caretaker for my bad days...and all ive had is bad days lately just n a mess.
I'm so sorry to hear things are not going well right now luvhair with your son and now with the apartment situation. I hope that they will get better and that a one bedroom opens up for you soon. The hot, especially humid days really do me in. I hope your bad days turn into good days soon.