Blessed Sunday to all.....Has my MS Fami... - My MSAA Community

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Blessed Sunday to all.....Has my MS Family considered what side of the bod they should sleep on, left or right?Google is a must..

jackiesj profile image
22 Replies

Tell what you find.One study was that the brain gets toxins out during sleep(less plaque?) and sleep left side...Anyone else have a survey or knowledge on which side or brain repair while you sleep?TY!

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jackiesj profile image
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22 Replies
Midgey_Midge06 profile image

I read somewhere ur body wasnt meant to stay on just one side. U r supposed to move around in ur sleep

6092177588 profile image
6092177588 in reply to Midgey_Midge06

I understand that pain starts on one side. My was my left and very difficult to sleep. Touching any part is sensitive. Now it is the right side. Still looking for research about brain and clinical trials. There is so much to find. I also know that you need to keep updating about brain MRI and what already there. Thanks

greaterexp profile image

I would agree with Midgey_Midge06. I think our bodies' circulatory processes and skin integrity respond best to changing position.

Fancy1959 profile image

Jackiesj, it's Fancy1959. A I have two different points of view I would like to discuss with you. When I was pregnant with my boys I was told to sleep on my left side only. That way the large blood vessel on the right side of the body could provide more blood to the fetus. If I laid on my right side I would compress the connection to the baby more and the baby would not get as much blood flow. I cannot help but Wonder if the blood flow is better to the abdomen by sleeping on the left side would it also be better to the brain by sleeping there as well.

The second point I wanted to make was that Jackie sometimes we don't have a choice of which side we sleep on due to secondary medical concerns. Since I had shoulder replacement surgery on my right shoulder I cannot stand to sleep on either side of my body. I sleep on my back and that works well but the pain in any other position wakes me up or is so severe I can't go to sleep at all. So in this situation what's better for the brain? Getting a good night's sleep on your back? Or getting absolutely little to no sleep on your left side or your right side? I can't help but think the lack of sleep would be detrimental to your brain much more than sleeping on your back and sleeping well.

That is simply my thoughts on the subject. If you are in the position where you can sleep on either side I too would read the information you shared with us. But not all of us are that lucky do circumstances beyond our control. Thanks for sharing though with the chat room. I'm sure it would be very beneficial for many people in the chat room. Glad you found us. Take care until we speak again. Fancy.

Kenu profile image
Kenu in reply to Fancy1959

I agree 👍🙏🐩🐾🐕 Ken

jackiesj profile image
jackiesj in reply to Fancy1959

Fancy1959 Thank you!absolutely....I was just surprised when they said toxins actually to pass out of the brain...i feel ilike I'm in dark ages...Any sleep is good sleep in my book....lately heart prob plus MS taking its toll a bit.Thats why i love to ask opinions of this group..sweet yet to great points i need,,,Thanks to all.Fit bit.. great one also i has been scary but better with knowing i can get honest feedback......that means so very much....Answers....Thank goodness for pillows, so much isn't in our control...but glad that at least they are looking into answers someday...just wish it was TODAY

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to jackiesj

Jackiesj, it's Fancy1959 back. Just before Christmas my husband bought me a power recliner. Sleep was nearly impossible for me because of my shoulder being so very painful when I tried to sleep. I tried everything. I tried to sleep in the bed with an elevated head, but it was no good. I tried to sleep on the couch and was only successful when I managed to sleep setting up which didn't exactly work if you get my drift. I tried sleeping in a recliner but the ones we had were just too small or should I say too narrow and my shoulder/elbow would not have room to be in a position where it didn't have to lay it against the side of the recliner. When it got bumped or laid on to the arm of the recliner the pain started again. I was at my wit's end until we found this wonderful recliner. It will go almost all the way back into a zero gravity position or it will go it's variety of positions that are almost unlimited between setting up and laying nearly flat. And it even helps you get up on the mornings when you just can't manage to get out of bed by setting up in all but setting you straight so you can just step up. It has made the biggest difference in my sleep. Even though my shoulder is recovering well it's Jill gives me issues at night. It also gives me unbelievably painful issues when big weather fronts come through or when it gets extremely cold. I hope eventually it will become less painful when these weird issues come up.

I am glad that the chat room is a place you can come to for honest answers as you put it. We are glad you found us. Remember you are now part of our extended family so don't be a stranger. You are in my prayers and in my thoughts. It is hard enough to fight this beast we all share in common but add heart problems on top of that I can't imagine how difficult it must be. If we can answer anything or help at all or if you need anything please do not hesitate to contact us. We are only a post away. Until we speak again please take care. Remember together we are stronger!

Midgey_Midge06 profile image

According to my fitbit ur body or brain or whatever cycles thru various stages from awake, to deep sleep, to light sleep and also REM. It says each stage has a restorative effect on the brain from mood, memory and learning etc.

I my opinion i dont think its how u sleep but how much u sleep in each stage. My firbit tracks each stage and tells me how i slept every morning. Its pretty cool. Since i started using it and adjusting what i do, what meds i take and my surroundings (mattress topper, sound machine, fan etc) my better sleep has allowed me to have more energy and exercise which leads to even better sleep and round it goes

Sleep is a beautiful thing 💜💜

Doubled51 profile image

Well mines made easy by back and shoulder pain. I sleep on my left side til the pain wakes me up then I switch to the right. Then repeat as needed.😁😁


Midgey_Midge06 profile image
Midgey_Midge06 in reply to Doubled51

That sounds like an efficient system 😁

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to Midgey_Midge06

Works for me.😂🤣

Morllyn profile image
Morllyn in reply to Doubled51

That is exactly how my nights go Donnie. I have nerve pain all up and down my left side, when I sleep on that side and heat builds up it hurts worse. I wake up and turn to my right side. After a while that side gets tired so back to my left.

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to Morllyn

We do what we have to do. Then getting back to sleep is not always easy. I have to get up during the night sometimes and take a pain pill just to get a little more sleep.

Jesmcd2 profile image

I sleep like the dead. On my right side because of my back. jackiesj The only thing that wakes me up is my dog jumping on me. And then it' an emergency 😂🙃 I sleep 9 to 10 hrs, and never ever remember my dreams😁


Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to Jesmcd2

You lucky duck!

Kenu profile image
Kenu in reply to Jesmcd2

Good for you 👍That’s Great 😉🙏🐾🐩🐕🐶 Ken

Tigg76ER profile image

Great morning

I read the left side is best

Jjlinden profile image

I watched a documentary about intermittent fasting. During this, they said that just being in in a deep sleep will ‘flush ‘ away the plaques which they believe are a factor in dementia/Alzheimer’s. Nothing was said about which side you should sleep so I presume it doesn’t matter. Apparently, fasting also has a beneficial effect in that regaining hunger pangs stimulate new cell growth rather than just repair. Humans are not meant to eat frequently as this causes inflammation in the body. When we were cavedwellers, we naturally feasted, than fasted. It’s also great for weight loss, the hunger pangs indicate fat burning . It was a very interesting programme.

bxrmom profile image

I have to sleep on my right side because I get dizzy if I sleep on my left side for some reason. Will bring this up at my next neuro appointment - which will hopefully be with a new neuro. Also, the way my room is set up I like to lay facing my fan, not my wall :)


LissaH profile image

I like to sleep on my left side but than my body starts to ache so I switch to my right side until that starts to hurt. I also go back and forth from left to right and sometimes on my back. I guess I sleep but I don't rest. with the body pain and the NIGHT SWEATS forget it. I'm lucky if I sleep at all. Oh wait I do sleep right before the alarm goes off. Ha Ha to me. :-)

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to LissaH

Understand that part well. I start on the left but who knows where I’ll be when I finally get tired of rolling around and just get up.

Kenu profile image

I very rarely get more than two hours sleep at one time. Since radiation it killed my saliva glands in my mouth, so every two hours I need a drink so my mouth has moisture 👍Three years ago I used to wine about having to get up and potty 😜🤣😂😉Ken

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