Just left my Neuro office, and guess what???
No MS, it's negative. Six weeks of hell, but it's all done. Thank you for your support and kindness.
Love to all of you.
Just left my Neuro office, and guess what???
No MS, it's negative. Six weeks of hell, but it's all done. Thank you for your support and kindness.
Love to all of you.
kvw_zkw , you were initially diagnosed with MS, but then it was questionable, and now the specialist says it isn't MS. Am I correct? If not, I apologize. Anyway, I recall you having some spots on your MRI before. I am THRILLED you don't have MS, but I am hoping the doctor gave you some indication of what you do have. Where do you go from here? Happy for you and praying you get an answer soon.💕
Happy you don't have MS, but where do you go from here? What does he now think you have?
Happy for you that you've received encouraging news.. Enjoy that good feeling! Did the doctor suggest any ideas about what is causing your symptoms? Hope you continue you get good news. Please keep coming here and let us know how you are doing.
She said the optic neuritis my have been caused by a virus. As for the spots she said they my be related to my cholesterol levels.
I'm tickled pink to hear your great news! I do pray that you get an accurate diagnosis soon!
kvw_zkw such good news . I hope and pray you get to know what is wrong. You can now get back to some kind of normality. Blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈 🙏
Thank you for your kind words
Kvw_zkw: Glad to hear. Praying things continue to improve with your health. God is always there for you 🙏.
Good for you! May I suggest you still track any symptoms you may get. The tests for MS aren’t definitive and a symptom log may be valuable in the future if things go downhill.
kvw_zkw so happy you have escaped this sentence, but you can still stay in touch and let us know how you're doing once in a while.
I wish the best for each and everyone of you. And yes I will check in.
kvw_zkw I am ecstatic for you. I just hope they know what they're doing (no offense) and that they're right. Cholesterol to explain brain lesions? Hmm. Not following that. A virus to explain optic neuritis? I suppose that is more believable. Yes, praise God if there is no MS. Please God, give kvw_zkw the medical professionals and answers she needs. Wishing you all the best!