Thought I'd give you all an update about my first appt. Maybe it was my nerves or maybe it was just him. He asked me a bunch of questions which he already had the answers on the computer he spent most of the time staring at. He said it would be mid-July before the first infusion, then another in 2 weeks, etc. He asked how much I knew about Rituxan and hubby held up the many pages of research I had done. He said the first appt would take 6 hours as they would administer it slowly, then observe me for a while. I still haven't heard back from them with an appt time. I'm a little disappointed so far.. The next day, Friday, June 28, marked 3 years since I woke up numb from the ribs down.. I don't know, I was always a doer! Get things done ahead of time so you don't have to think about it. Guess this waiting is just part of the MS timing!
Meeting with the Infusion Doctor or (Go... - My MSAA Community
Meeting with the Infusion Doctor or (God has a Plan)

I like the message in the post my mother says that to me all the time.
As for your infusion I hope you get the results you're looking for and it works out for you.
Fingers crossed
Thanks for the message and for the update. May you get that infusion appointment soon and may it attack and slay the MS monster!
I am told that patience is a virtue, but I have found with ms, patience is not an acquired asset. Hoping the infusion🦋 goes well. Keep us updated, blessings Jimeka
Prayers are with you and hope you’re scheduled soon 👍🙏😉 Ken 🐾🐾
Amen, CalfeeChick...God’s plan is not ours and his thinking is not ours either. I was anxious waiting for that first appt, too...and then the call came right on time it was wasted energy for me...however, it’s good to stay on top of things...which you seem to be good at doing. Reminding ourselves to trust Him gives us peace...especially during our most challenging times. Blessings 🦋
Thanks for upd8, Calfee, & Prayers are for ya!🙏💗
It will be here before you know it, time truly does fly except when you want it too,huh?my sister was on rituxin-maab for 5 years as a follow up on her chemo for lymphnomia.she would have it once a week for 4 weeks,twice a year, she now has been cancer free for 8 years.Let us know how it works for you,positive thoughts coming your way.
Blessings to you. I hope you have a good book!

Thank you for sharing this update, CalfeeChick It will be here before you know it, this infusion, I mean. Patience is a virtue of which I have none!
Good luck CalfeeChick I hope that you hear about an appt date soon, hopefully after the weekend. Keep us updated.
I know the waiting is hard, I went through that with my medication too. But the waiting was worth it! Be patient & let God do His job. It's always a blessing. hope the new meds do their job for you.
Hi CalfeeChick
Waiting is a hard to do! Patience especially with illness is hard to live through. Giving it up to the Lord is sometimes also hard for me to do. He will and is always taking care of us and helping us through these very difficult times in our lives.
I'm praying for you in better health, strength and patience in receiving this infusion. God's blessings❤becky
So great to hear that you have a date! If your date turns out to be July 16th, we can be infusion buddies as I will be getting my 3rd full dose on that date.
Iona60 We're gonna be infusion buddies! I just got my dates this afternoon. They wanted me to start tomorrow morning, but I have a prior commitment, so they changed it to Tuesday at 9:00am. They said the first time to expect to be there 6 hours..