I had my first infusion on Wednesday and it went well and zero problems. Next day I felt great so played 9 holes of golf which may have been a mistake. My legs got real weak and shaky. Does anyone know if one is supposed to take it easy for a few days after infusion?
First infusion: I had my first infusion on... - My MSAA Community
First infusion

Horray for you! Seems like they would tell you those things. Someone one here should know.
I can't answer your question, but I pray the weakness subsides quickly.
Judymax: I was not told to take it easy, but it took me 2-3 weeks to get back to where I was before the infusion. We need to keep going as long as we can if it's not hurting your health. Good for you!!
Welcome, judymax , we hope you find us a safe place to share, vent, ask questions, and build new friendships. As for the infusion (I assume Ocrevus?), I'm unable to answer, but we have a number here who can. Praying you regain your strength and take it a little easier until you do. 😉💕
judymax assuming you are talking about Ocrevus, I was not told to rest, but was really tired for about 5 days after 1st infusion and did take it easy. For me, the second (half) infusion did not hit me as hard and I was up and going on the day after. I remember others saying they were tired for up to a week after both infusions. I hope all goes well for you.
I think feeling good for us is like an aphrodisiac. Glad it's working for you. Good luck.
After my my first in fusion of Ocrevus I was really tired the next two days and then was back to normal energy levels. After my second infusion on a Monday I rested the whole day on Tuesday. On Wednesday my wife and I left on a 15 day R.V. trip to Yellowstone. No problems at all.
I hope my second infusion goes as well as yours did!
I was advised by my neurologist, an MS specialist, to take it very easy for a day or two following infusions. However, I was totally wiped out for about a week both times, so really didn't have any choice! I returned to my baseline from that point, and am seeing some positive changes now, about 3 1/2 months from when I started. The infusions are a shock to the system and some people react strongly, others very little, so try to listen to your body and don't overdo things while making the adjustment. Best of luck.