I Have had ms for 12 years now. I am 51 and feel like my life should still lively and to be do lots of things with my only grandchild and she is the love of my life. Now only 3. Last month was my second run of the Orcrevus. Any one else seeing results yet?
Newbie to community but not to MS - My MSAA Community
Newbie to community but not to MS

I would like to know I am going in Wednesday I would like to know what happens after the first infusion. Thanks
I just found out that my husband has to work on the day of my infusion and so I have changed the date of my infusion because Jose the storm is coming and my husband works for an electric company.
ssdw1958 I have PPMS and had the half doses of Ocrevus 2 and 4 weeks ago. The only reaction I had during infusions was my blood pressure went down, but I felt OK and it went back up to normal over the next few days. After the first half infusion I was really tired for about 5 days, then started perking up. Since the infusions I have felt and can do about the same as before. Wishing you well when you finally get to start.
Hey Mistery, so glad you found us all! I've only been here a short time but a veeerrrrry long one with MS! I'm back on my old original Avonex--after a Bad reaction to Tecfidera, I don't feel so grave these days. How have You done with the Ocrevus? What were you on before? I hope you have great results with the O!!
Welcome Mistery !
Mistery , so sorry you have MS. But we are happy you found us. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Feel free to jump in anywhere, to ask questions, or share how something has helped you deal with MS. Welcome! 💕
Welcome Mistery.
Mistery welcome to the group. Glad you have found us, it is a great group of caring people. Look forward to chatting.
Mistery , Welcome! I know you will like this forum! Jump in and ask questions or offer your input. Seems like we have a lot of members, but not so many posters.
Mistery good to have you here but would be better is we as group didn't have MS, and we could do something different. But we can't so we can talk about MS
!Mistery welcome!This is really a special group of smart kind compassionate honest giving people.Oh so nice to hear you are around your grandbabe and they are so accepting.Give a hug....they don't stay little too long but keep on loving as they grow...best wishes;;;