Just received great news. Will be getting phone and internet service hooked up Tuesday. Life. Is good. I can be back online. Lol.
Good news.: Just received great news. Will... - My MSAA Community
Good news.

How did the move go? It's it going to take you long to get straight? Blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈 🏡
It was terribly exhausting, the closings went great but I was absolutely Bo help moving, I wiped my body out packing and greatly overdid my limits. But we are in and taking unpacking a day at a time. I finally had a good day today. And it was a blessing. I feel like I was a help instead if a hibdrance. But with the stress of meeting deadline behind its all uphill. Its so quiet and peaceful here when we get settled in its gonna be great. Thanks for the encouragement and prayers. God bless.
Hope you are feeling better and are getting settled in.
@Doubled51, Little things really do mean a lot!
I thank God for my son and grandson. Without them I couldn't have done it. We have a long way to go but its in our time now,
Thankful for answered prayers (and your son and grandson). Take it easy now, Doubled51 ! 💕
I've been thinking about you Doubled51 . Glad the worst is over! We've been in 4 weeks now. Still have things to do-- so what. My goal is Christmas.
Christmas. Sounds like a plan. Hopefully I gave recovered enough to naive forward. Last week was rough must admit. I was scared to death I was gonna wind up in the hospital before it was over but I made it. Thank God. Glad you are doing well getting settled in. The people who moved out left so much stuff till we will be digging our way out just so we can move our stuff in. Its been a nightmare so far but we will get there. The lady we bought from was 82 and get son handled the sale and left pretty much everything the sweet old girl had for us to dispose of and she was blessed with possessions I tell you. At closing she asked if we would donate her clothes to the salvation army. They will be very excited with this donation. But she will get her wish because we will keep our word. Come to think of it maybe Christmas is a little early. Maybe Easter. Lol. God bless you my friend.
I'm so sorry you have to clear out someone else's stuff to get yours in! Could you call an auction place and see if they can help you? I'd be totally overwhelmed if I were you 😂. I hope you got a fantastic deal on the house!!
We got a very good deal and enough equity to pay cash and money left over. For the first time since I was 17 I will be totally out of debt. So ill be cleaning out and moving in for awhile but when we are finished it will be worth it all. We will give her clothes to salvation army aand maybe a yard sale then bring in a dumpster for the rest. I hate throwing away a lifetime of pictures and her memories of a lifetime but her son wants no part of it and says she has no room in her apt and to throw away everything we don't want except for money or jewelry if we find any. I hate to tell him but if he doesn't want the junk he doesn't get the treasure. He makes ne sick at my stomach. He took her check straight to the bank andasked for $40000 to buy a motorhome. That's the kind of son he is.
That is so sad! Her son sounds lazy and extremely selfish!! If you have a goodwill near you, they took everything we didn't want. Good luck. Hope you find some treasures!
Doubled51 look out! she you will be cruising the ole inter web! No one will be safe!