Im feeling a stabbing pain in my left upper butt cheak. On the left side hurts alot and now it is starting to go down my whole leg in a straight line I . first thought it may be nerve. It ude to only happen on the right but its on the left also. Its very difficult to walk or get in and out of my car. I was told it was sciatica but then someone daid it wad bursitis. I dont know what it is. I need a correct answer.
Pain in my ass: Im feeling a stabbing pain... - My MSAA Community
Pain in my ass
You have a sense of humor 😂. If it's sciatica, a few days on Baclofen might clear it up. That's what I take when it flares.
I get that too! So annoying. Mine isn't constant but random. Usually I can walk it off or rub it out. But it gets me weird looks when I jump up like I've sat on a pin cushion.
Stevieray , I wonder if an evaluation by your doctor might be a good idea. Maybe you can be given some help with the pain and inflammation. Get better quickly!
that actually was one of my first MS symptoms which as an x-gymnast I just assumed it was sciatica. And, really, it probably is sciatica but caused by your MS and not any actual injury. Of course this is just my opinion. Use deep muscle massage and start it in the middle of your spine and work to your buttocks and down the leg for some relief. I take Baclofen, Neurontin, et al but if you can take it, the one drug that helps me is good old aspirin. It passes the blood brain barrier for faster relief.
Do you go to a pain specialist?
If you don't your family Dr should be able to help.
The sciatic nerve can be very painful