Man went for the inspection on the house we had put a contract on Friday morning. The inspector found so much stuff that we cancelled the contract. Cost me $500 to learn but worth every dollar. Now we close on our house on the 18th of July with no where to go. Looks like everything goes into storage and we find a temporary place to stay. I sure didn't want to move twice. But back to the drawing board is guess.
Back to the starting line.: Man went for... - My MSAA Community
Back to the starting line.

Doubled51 , oh, I'm so sorry. It's good that you didn't end up with such a problem house, but I know how difficult it is to be in limbo.
I'll be praying for a much better house and quickly! None of us wants to move once, let alone twice.
Doubled51 remember' I know the plans I have you' obviously the wrong house, I am sure the Lord has a much better one for you. Have faith, it will happen in His timing. Blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈 🙏
I agree. Oh they would work with us or come down on the price. I'm not starting out with a project. I want a house with no problems. I'm not able to take care of what I need to bow without starting out with problems. That was God's way of saying he had something better. Better to find out now than. As I said $500 well spent.
Sorry to hear about the house, better to find out now what's wrong with it before it becomes yours.
Wow, Doubled51 , I know you are flustered. I hope you find something soon.
May the search continue! There's a great house out there somewhere.
Just scheduled a viewing on a beautiful place tonight. Hope this one is God plan. I'm so tired of looking. Im ready for some finding. Lol.
Took me a year or so to find out why I had to move from my house to my parents' house. Everything happens for a reason, God has a plan for us. You may not see it at first, but once you do you'll recognize why and be that much more joyous. Blessings for both of you and your new home.
Thanks. I'll take all the prayers and blessings God has to give. I thank him for getting us out of the fix we would have been if he hadn't give me the wisdom of having that house inspected before purchasing. And I'll take all the blessings out there that anybody don't want. Lol.
Our house goes on the market Thursday. We were searching, of course, put in two offers on two places. Not accepted. So I figure God has another plan. And if our house goes quickly, I'm pacjing an headed to a beach for the rest of summer. ☺ Its all in our Lord's hands.
I'm going to the beach with you Karen-x 😄 Good luck with your house!😊
J 🌠
Wow, a beach party? 🍨 🍧 🍦 🍰 👍 🦋
Hi Doubled51 ...I understand your frustration and disappointment. I'm hoping you find something that is turn key ready!
I still can't move into the condo I bought because it needs some repairs first. (Those are scheduled for later this week.) Like your situation, these things were discovered in the inspection. I decided to go forward even though its costing me more and believe me...I question that decision multiple times a day! Part of that decision was that I'm tired of living with family after 10 months. Also, its a very hot market here and it was difficult to find a place in my price range that was one story, no stairs with secured parking near to amenities. I felt I had already given up on some of the things I wanted so decided to just keep muddling through. And like I said...I'm still not sure this was the smart thing to do! I'm thinking you were much wiser.
Hopefully you will find something soon!
Trying to get away from stairs also. The place we looked at tonight had so many stairs I had to go in thru the back to get inside. That was a def problem. My mind was made up quick. I got so weak my wife had to hep me to the car. Ms sucks when you're trying to buy a house haha.. Seems like everything in our price range we like sells before we can get there. Ours closes 3 weeks from today so it looks like storage and an apt for awhile. Good luck on your repairs.
Thanks Doubled51 . I'm reminded every day about getting away from stairs. The home I sold had them and my family's house that I'm staying in has them. I've had so many falls landing on my right knee that I wear a compression sleeve on that knee to minimize pain. I can't wait to be in my own place without stairs!!
The condo I bought is a compromise in many ways. I swore I'd never buy a condo because I'm not a fan of HOA's. (My last house had an HOA that was more annoying than useful.) This HOA is small so I'm hoping that is better. The condo is older, built in 1974, so I'm not thrilled about that. The repairs are all related to rodents and squirrels getting into the crawlspace and attic. YUCK! No one was living in the condo for the last year so there was no one to pay attention to creatures getting in to those spaces. They damaged the insulation and ducts so that is what is needing repairs and some replacement. Its expensive repair work but the good thing is that the insulation will all be new and according to the current code. I tried to negotiate with the seller to get him to pay for part of it. He wouldn't but that isn't surprising in a seller's market.
These folks offered to negotiate on repairs or price with the amount of stuff that needed I just didnt have the time or the energy to deal with it so I just moved on. I did talk to my real estate agent and he was able to negotiate a deal with the buyer of My house to allow me to rent it til I find another. Which is a blessing in I won't have to move twice. Just gonna be weird to pay rent for the house I've lived in 23 yrs. Lol. But that will give us incentive to find a new one. Lol. Good luck with your repairs and God bless.
Good luck to you as well! Its great that you won't have to move twice. That's what I'm doing and its terrible. I'm just starting to pull stuff together where I've been staying and I'm already exhausted. I had to do my moves this way but its hard enough to do one. (I lived in the house I sold off for 18 years.)
Doubled51 , what a let-down.😕 I am sorry. But what a blessing to find out now, before you bought the home and inherited all of its problems. Will be praying for the perfect home...and for your peace and patience in the meantime.💕
Doubled 51 - So sorry you had to give up the house but you are right. Much better to not have to start with a fixer. Finding a 1 story house in our price range in the area we needed to be in without stairs was impossible. We gave up after a year. We ended up having a home built which is wonderful! We were able to make it so I could get my walker and a power chair down the halls and into all the rooms. I use a walker all the time but thankfully not a power chair yet. That time will come. We made the home as handicap accessible as we possibly could and we love it.
Would building be an option for you? You would be in an apartment longer but the home could be set up for your needs and would have no maintenance issues since it would be brand new. It's a great way to keep the monster from making you have to move again in a couple of years if your MS gets worse or progresses (We all pray that it won't).
It's just a thought.
Good luck with your house hunt!
We would like to build it just takes so long. We have been blessed and have never lived in an apt or rented a home in our 46 years so this is gonna be an experience for us. If we don't find something compatible soon it will def be considered. We had the house were living in now built in 1994 we just had to have a 2 story but that was before I ever knew what ms was much less what it does. Building just takes so long. Patience is a virtue we are both working on. But things will work out because 3 close in about e weeks. God bless