I have been on Copaxone since 2006 and never big problems. Only issue is the lumps and indents to my skin. And have went from 7days a week to the 3 times a week but still the same reaction. And the big issue with myself to is remembering to do it. I am seriously thinking of trying an oral medication,done with these injections. So any advice if I should change and what do I change to,orally? Plz need some suggestions if U would. I have RRMS and do very well except with fatigue,anxiety,tingling,balance and memory. And oh yeah bladder problems but not terrible. But otherwise I am doing well..
Copaxone: I have been on Copaxone since... - My MSAA Community

I have a time of it remembering my gabapentin now that I'm up to 7 caps a day. I've pretty much solve it by setting alarms on my phone. I also made a little graph type sheet that I can just make ✅ by the time I'm supposed to take the meds. So far it's working for me.
I would ask my neurologist what she likes best in a pill. In the meantime, I am going to drug company sponsored dinners to learn more about my options and meet faces.
One more thing, I will not be taking anything that may cause heart damage or decreased contractility of the heart muscle because I'm very interested in stem cells someday and I have read some people with severe MS being declined because of their heart disease.
I changed from copaxone after 12 years. I'm loving being on Tecfidera now over a year. Was having more post injection reactions and the skin damage is significant but I just take that in stride and appreciate what health I have for all the effort. Nothing is without it's side effects.

Hi SWEETCAT How are you doing? Did you know that Shared Solutions has a website, that you can set up an alarm to set up your shot, days and times?😊
Also check out mymsaa.org/ms-information/s... to help you choose some options to go over with your Neuro. 😊
Let us know how it goes!
J 🌠
I'm Jessie and I was right where you are before wanting to make a switch. I was on Copaxone since 2006 after being diagnosed with rrms. Almost 2 months ago I switched to Tecfidera because I was tired of doing the injections, injections reactions (welts/soreness). After my blood work was done, I was able to switch to Tecifdera. Sometimes I have an upset stomach but nothing too bad. I make sure to eat something before I take my pill. I also take a low dose aspirin to help with the flushing.
Best of luck to you, please keep us updated on which route you are able to go on.