I'm sure you already have a handle on site reactions, but thought I'd share what has worked best for me during the 4 months of trial and error. I follow the protocol for 5 minutes of heat to the injection site before injecting, followed immediately with about 1-2 minutes of cold pack application. Instead of waiting until problems begin and then trying to treat it, I've started applying a cortisone cream within 5 minutes of injecting and at least once more later in the day. It's made a huge difference in the redness and nasty itching. I tried Benadryl spray without improvement, though Benadryl gel has helped me when I've had poison oak. The gel wasn't available when I tried to restock my supply, so I used the spray. Has anyone had better relief from the gel as opposed to the gel?
For Copaxone Users: I'm sure you already... - My MSAA Community
For Copaxone Users

Hi greaterexp I wish I was back to 3-4 months 😁😅😒 I'm at 2yrs and the next time they call to send my scrips l really want to say no. I don't want them, and they can take them for me😁
I found that iceing before and after work best for me, so l don't feel the shot. I also have the Benadryl spray and found it useless. I use Neosporin gel and that takes care of all the itching and reaction site problems, or at least most of them😊
J 🌠
Hey Jes, why are you wanting to ditch the copaxone? Or is it all dmt?
Not wanting to ditch ANY DMT ☺ Karen-x 😊 I'm just venting about it.😁😒😄 Cause l hate taking it. But on a very firm believer that God only Helps Those Who Help Themselves. He's got other people worse off than me to look out for.😉
J 🌠
I'm so glad for everyone who can find something that works for them, since we are all different. I am surprised about Neosporin since it is an antibiotic, rather than anti inflammatory. My family practice doctor I worked for used Bacitracin to prevent wound infections because he had seen a good deal of resistance build from the Neosporin.
I know we were taught that with most IM injections to gently massage the injection site after injections. But with Copaxone and other sub-qs, we are instructed not to massage since it can lead to more permanent lumps, rather than reduce them. The Shared Solutions nurse recommends heat before injection to help with absorption of the medication and then cold applications afterward to reduce site inflammation.
We are always searching for what works best for us. I sure don't get excited about the injections, but I'm sure grateful for DMTs and that we have choices now that didn't exist all that long ago.
greaterexp TY for sharing your fire juice experience! My skin hates everything, so Copaxone has been a treat 😜 I have a fist sized itchy hot area for a week. I've taken oral Benadryl, used the cream and hydrocortisone cream, but not a gel. Penetration to the depth of injection is an issue, my dermatologist told me not to waste my money because it won't touch it, but I do feel a 50% reduction in itchiness. I use both creams at the same time 😂 My MS nurse told me to massage the site 24hrs after injection, to "break up the inflammation", well that was the worst idea ever. Maybe it will work for you though. I found using a cold pack 24hrs post lessened the itch and heat production.
I was doing the hot/cold pack protocol, but since I am in pain for an hour sometimes, this becomes time consuming and annoying. I have started using lidocaine before my injections and it's working pretty well for that.
It seems like if one can figure out how to get 4 proteins in a sugar base injected into my skin to psyche out my immune system into not attacking my myelin, then they could also throw in a little lidocaine and cortisone! Makes me wonder how the monthly injection into muscle trial is going. Also makes me wonder when will we get a weekly nasal spray trial for MS.
Congrats on making it to the 4 month mark!!! 😁🎉 I treated this as a huge milestone, celebrated with dinner and good wine 🍷
I like your idea of celebrating the milestones! (Any excuse will do for me!) Yes, a nasal spray delivery sounds awesome! Why don't you work on that in your spare time?! Maybe after the spreadsheets are done?
You should, you deserve it! If I had the know-how, I'd be snorting my shots already! They do exist though, Cedars Sinai is giving the nasal spray version to Alzheimer's patients and getting promising results. Spreadsheets 😂😂😂😂
Umm greaterexp the spreadsheets are yours to do! Nice try chicky! 😄😄
I will have to pick up the bactracin and see if it helps. It's the itching that gets me through, and l always had Neosporin when l 🐈 cats. I am allergic to scratches. And that was my life saver! 😊
J 🌠
Jesmcd2 ,
Rats! Those dastardly spreadsheets! I thought out goat wrestler was taking them on!
You're right, greaterexp ! Karen-x , our resident goat wrestler has volunteered to be our Spreadsheet Queen! I think Jesmcd2 lost another marble or two since Karen volunteered for the task. And Jes, if I find any loose marbles, I'm keeping them! 😂😂😂
Umm no I did not lose them WAshingtongirl , with all the stress I've been under, they took a vacation 😞 without me! 😢😭😭
J 🌠
Ah, Jesmcd2 , I am really sorry about the stress. That can knock the play havoc with your MS (and mess with your marbles, too!). I do hope your stress has subsided. Sending you a hug. 💝
Stress is gone! 😉😁 It's all good! Now if the weather would cooperate, so l can go outside! Life would be great!😊💕
Goodness, I've not proofed my texts well this morning!Sorry about that. Hope you understood what my head was trying to say. 😉😝
Tutu, I'm always having to tell my family and friends to listen to what I mean, not what I say.
I think you are as clear as a bell.