How many people have family members also with MS??
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None in my family. Mom had leukemia which is autoimmune. Sis has a kidney IGA autoimmune disorder and my cousin (on dads side) has lupus, another autoimmune disease. But no MS. Research shows is not genetic. I pray that is true for my son and grandchild.
HI karenmbloom ! While there has been no direct genetic inheritance of MS found so far, it's not true that there is no genetic component per the National MS Society. Both my siblings have autoimmune disorders so I believe that we all inherited some immune system flaw that has manifested itself differently in each of us. Here is what they say on their website:
Genetic Factors
While MS is not hereditary, having a first-degree relative such as a parent or sibling with MS does significantly increase an individual's risk of developing the disease. Studies have shown that there is a higher prevalence of certain genes in populations with higher rates of MS. Common genetic factors have also been found in some families where there is more than one person with MS. Some researchers theorize that MS develops because a person is born with a genetic predisposition to react to some environmental agent that, upon exposure, triggers an immune-mediated response. Sophisticated new techniques for identifying genes are helping to answer questions about the role of genes in the development of MS.
Ibfeel the same way for my family
Lay24, it's Fancy1959 officially welcoming to our extended family! You have found a safe place to come ask questions, voice concerns, or just look for information and advice. This chat room is full of caring, kind, and compassionate people I have ever met. I am glad you have joined our group.
Now on to your question. I am unaware of anyone in my family having MS. There is autoimmune disease in my family which helps to set me up for autoimmune diseases like MS. My dad was a diabetic and my sister is close to being one as well. Karenbloom I pray you are correct iot is not a direct genetic link as i have three sons as well. All we can truly do is keep the faith and pray that research continues at the pace it is and that a cure is found in the near future. Remember together we are stronger!
My brother is 60 and has had it for over 30 years. I was diagnosed 4 yrs ago at 51
Never heard of it in my family, just me in a long line of generations. Nice to meet you Lay24, good post blessings Jimeka
Hi Lay24 ! No one in my family has M.S. but autoimmune disorders are well represented in my immediate family.
They have recently identified and developed bio marker testing and now believe there may be certain types of MS that are genetically heritable.
As Raingrrl mentioned, epigenetics may be at work here. You have the genetic predisposition and some insult (viral, environmental) turns the gene on.
I know of a remote cousin with MS but I have some concerns re. My nephew that I've addressed with my brother.
Hi, I was dx in 2001. I have a young brother who was dx in the 90's. Plus I have 2 cousins who also have ms. They are in the same situation one is older than the other. My mom told me that she had an aunt who had to where leg braces. This is all on my mom side of the family.
Not MS, but my brother died of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy in 1989 and my sister has fibromyalgia... My family is a neurological crap storm!!! LOL... I think we're done as I'm 52, sister is 56...
None of my family does, that I know of.
My oldest son also has MS and a cousin of my father's had it. My oldest daughter has fibromyalgia and IBS. I know that MS isn't specifically genetic, but I have concerns about some of my grandchildren. Their other grandmother also has MS. 😕
On my moms side- great aunt who died of complications from MS also a first cousin who is quite disabled from it🙁
My sister is four years younger than me and was DX twenty years before me. I also have a second cousin with MS.
My Father had MS too!
My mother has MS and Crohns disease. The farther north from the equator, MS will be more prevalent!
Lay24 No MS in my family, except me. I also have Essential Tremor and that has a genetic side to if, a sister, our dad, his sister and his mother all tremored some, far less than I do. The same sister has rheumatoid arthritis also, and we both have had thyroid issues, both of which are autoimmune diseases.
I know of none in my family, but am concerned for my daughter who has comorbidities of migraine and IBS. She has an unexplained numb area on one leg that no one has found a cause for.
She agreed to be part of a study, which is going on now, which includes close family members of those with MS. Let's pray it gives us much needed information for the future.
I have a first cousin, 2 second cousins and a great aunt all on my mother's and grandmother's side of the family. I believe there may also be one male family member in there as well on the same side of the family.
My Mother's Mother had Parkinson's but I remember her having trouble walking and holding on to thing . I don't remember her having the shakes till later in life and back in the old days I wouldn't doubt if the Dx was wrong. I don't know if anyone else on that side ever got it MS , my Mom pasted away when I was 7.
I was diagnosed at age 27, and eight years later my cousin was diagnosed at age 27! Needless to say, everyone in the family was shocked and wondering who was next! So far, no one else, although my sister was diagnosed with Parkinson's two years ago.
My cousin died from MS 30 years ago before there was much medicine out there. She was same age, actually 1 year ago, and sweet as a Hershey kiss. Spent last 1o years in nursing home, so sad, but such a sweet spirit - not like me! I try not to focus on her. She was diagnosed when 37. My oldest brother cannot walk, falls every time he tries to get out of bed, been that way for about 10 years, but his family is keeping his "hidden," so who knows if he has it. He is currently in a coma in the hospital at age 78. So many people are never diagnosed with this disease.