I'm getting some positive feedback about a big get together. If you would be interested in something like this, let me know. Also, ideas on a possible city in which to have it. We want to consider air fares, plentiful hotel rooms whin won't break the bank and restaurants. Can't wait to hear from all of you! 😁 Kelly xx
Potential get together: I'm getting some... - My MSAA Community
Potential get together
Amore55 id be interested but I can't imagine the logistics needed. Location? I'd say Fla but the sunshine state might not be ideal for heat intolerance.
I'd love to meet everyone in person, Amore55 . Anyplace that isn't hot and humid. 😉
I would love to do that. Of course depending on expense, etc....maybe we could plot where everyone lives and pick, THE UK! Lol
Let me know!!! I wanna go! (uhhh, can I fly??? can I afford it???) Eeeh, we'll see...LOL
Oh yeah forgot to put this on my last post, I live closer to Canada in Upstate New York.
Too busy making a joke. Ha...ha?
Amore55 Kelly, how are you feeling?
Hi GasLight! Thanks for asking. I'm okay, I really overdid it yesterday, so I pay my "ms taxes" ☺️. Stayed in bed today. How are YOU feeling? Any nasty symptoms? I sure hope you are well. Let me know, okay? Love, Kelly xx