I have known I had MS since I was 28. Now 61 and have had many relaps and remissions. Strength to endure comes from within. Now I'm starting another relaps. Focus on the needs of others and not on myself, seems to help get through the rough spots.
Coping with relaps: I have known I had MS... - My MSAA Community
Coping with relaps

Hi nice to meet you. I like your attitude, I think that trying to help others when things aren't so good at your own end really helps, it will be good to hear from you, blessings Jimeka
Great advice. It's so easy to slip into self-pity, which is a slippery slope. I'm happy that you've shared your wisdom as a true veteran. I'm new to this, so it's wonderful to hear from those who really know what this is about. Thank you!
@Jdshr11 Hate to hear about your relapse. Would you please explain to me what you describe as a relapse? I have suffered with the pain of fibromyalgia of 20 years, but the debilitating lack of emotional control and inappropriate emotional responses that I consider to be relapses of my brain MS lesions, but no neurologist will agree, are driving me insane and making me a recluse. Who decides exactly what a relapse is?
My neurologist describes a relapse as a 'new' symptom that occurs or an 'old symptom that returns' after being treated/going into remission.
You know when things change in you. New leasions may not show on an MRI but symptoms from them come out in your own self. This can be in your ability to have physical functions, balance and yes attitude. Coping with people around you may sometimes be difficult. Inappropriate responses can be one of the symptoms I'm talking about. This is something you need to work on and only you. Count to 10 before you respond. That's what I do and it seems to help for me.
Jdhsr11 so sorry to hear about your relapse. I agree with you. Focusing outward, on others, is restorative. And focusing inward to find my inner strength and visualizing myself as whole and able -reminding myself I CAN...
May you power through with the support of everyone here. Take care of yourself; keep the lines of communication open. You are not alone.
Hi! Your thoughts are inspirational.
You are so right...turning a negative experience into positive energy promotes fast healing. Thank you !
I am told my irrational emotions are not MS related. I have a difficult time accepting this. Years ago I was a happy-go-lucky fun loving, spontaneous, laughing, smiling, friendly, loving, positive, peacemaker, intellectual personality. Even my grandson ask me nine years ago what happened to me, that I don't smile any more and I don't have fun anymore. I believe those incidents are MS relapses! But my neurologists dont.
Emotional issues are most of the time MS related. If your neurologist is not a MS speciality they may not recognize it. Check if you have a MS clinic in your area. I go to the MS division at Ohio State. There they do recognize attutide and emotional response as symptoms. Also as a personal recommendation I suggest looking at life as a gift from God. Not sure if you are Christian but if you are, give your pain as a sacrifice for others needing grace to get to heaven. This gives purpose for the pain and makes it more bearable. This seem to help for me and my attitude toward others changed. God bless you in your time of need. Write back let me know if this helps.
agapepilgrim maybe you need a new Neuro? Sounds like this one isn't listening anymore to you?
Depression is a very real thing and being sad alot is a true sign of it.😞 So does PBA. That is a symptom of MS.
MSAA has info on that at mymssa.org
Call (800) 532-7667, extension 154
Give them a call about it. Also ask about new neurologists in your area if you want.😊
But talk to your PCP about being depressed, make sure that he understands what's going on with you. Keep us updated ☺
jesmcd2 everyone just keeps wanting me to go to a psychiatrist! would they send an Alzheimer's patient to a psychiatrist?? This is caused by nerve damage! Finally went to a neuropsychologist tonight who specializes in nerve damage to the brain. When she saw where my lesions were, she said definitely my demyelination is greatly affection my emotional personality changes, and has been for 10 years! Finally, someone who agrees with and understands. I gave her a big hug. I asked her why neurologists deny that and she said they focus on arms and legs and just don't see the damage it can do to the emotion. She was surprised I was coping emotionally as well as I have been for the last7 years when my grandson was the first to notice the suble changes, like "grandma, why don't you smile anymore?" Broke my heart, but I had no idea what was wrong with me! He said I just wasn't fun anymore. And the neuros]pyschologist said that was when my MS was in full flare up! Course the neurologists have never admitted that. But the psychiatrits in KY will not prescribe me xanax, the one med that calms me down; only Valium which has no affect on me whatsoever. Anyway, I least I have one validation!
Awwww agapepilgrim that is WONDERFUL news!!!!! Well not that that is where the damage is, but they finally believe you. I don't blame you for giving her a hug either. 😊
Is there anyway to treat it? Or calm it down? Or is she giving you Xanax? Since the others won't. Which makes no sense to me. 😕 Why won't they prescribe it? (Crossing KY off my moving list) 😅 I can't live without my Xanax. Neither can the people around me. 😅😅
Isn't it funny how out of the mouth of babes we see the most. 💕 As they see so much more and Arnt afraid to say it. Bless his Heart. You can hug him and tell him thank you. 😊
Jes 🎄
Jesmcd2 xansx is the ONLY med that calms me down. During the past 24 I have been put on at least 10 different anti-anger/anxiety:irritability that disrupts the last 20 yrs of my life. Yet I am told the Kaspar Act prevents this med from being prescribed. My primary care was giving me 1 a night to help me slow Doreen and sleep but neurologist on 12/2 cancelled that and put me on Valium which so far has NO affect and sleep! I don't understand why some MSers get Xanax, sleeping pills, pain pills, provigil for energy, and I can't even get cough syrup with codeine with bronchitis. Again I am trusting the lord my savior. God blessyou
agapepilgrim lm am so sorry l don't understand the reasoning in that either. Makes no sense to me. I would be raising a hissy fit that's for sure. But you are so much nicer than l am.😊
To me it's about quality of life, not going through the motions, l just refuse. And l hate that for you.😞
I really wish there was something l could do to help, except tell you to look for a new Neuro. As they work for YOU! Not the other way around. 😕 My neurologist gives me a dirty look every time he sees that l take Tramadol, but it works for my pain. And l don't care what he says or thinks. I'm going to take what works for ME!
I wish you all the best! And we are always here.
And you give such amazing advice. Thank you for that ☺💕
Hope you're ready for the holidays 🎅
Jdhsr11, it's Fancy1959 welcoming you to this wonderful chat room! Your attitude is amazing. I hope you plan to continue being a part of our chat room. Ýou are already part of our extended family. Your spirit's so positive and pure your light shines so brightly from within i'm sure you have much to share. Others will be drawn to you for help in learning how to deal with their own ups and downs of their MS. I look forward to talking to you soon.in the meantime, take care of yourself. Please remember one thing from our talk, together we are stronger!
I understand what you are saying yes one needs the attitude of pulling one back up by the boot straps however My strength come from the faith I have in my heavenly father.
Kookies..... don't you think God designed our wondrous thumb with the plan and thought in mind that we would be able to grip things and grab things which is very unique to the human race. With that thought in mind I believe Gor intended and planned for us to help one another with our free will and follow in his footsteps with examples of charity and goodness.