I have just been diagnosed. It has been an up and down road.
New: I have just been diagnosed. It has... - My MSAA Community

Unfortunately it will be for the next 2 years. Educate yourself about MS from RELIABLE sources esp. on the internet. No question is a dumb question. When you're feeling bad, REST. If you don't, your body will relapse and then you'll rest. I speak from experience. Search for a wonderful specialist to guide you. Don't be afraid to switch docs. Best of luck Debrajo!
Thank you so much. I appreciate your help. How do I get over the injections???
I'm assuming your MS med is an injection. I started on Copaxone. I tolerated it best if I warmed the injection site first and followed it with and ice pack. I know the nurse who worked with me was awesome. Ask questions. Don't suffer if they're not going well. When Copaxone didn't work for me, I tried Tecfidera (pill). Now I'm on Tysabri (infusion).
Debrajo, it's Fancy1959 welcome you to this awesome chat room. You have found a place full of kind and compassionate people you can be safe here to ask any questions or express any concerns you might have, especially being newly diagnosed. If you didn't have a ton of questions at this point many of us would worry about you. I want you to know that there are many of us traveling down a slightly different bumpy winding MS path. No two paths are exactly alike. But what you will find is the path is crowded with other people treking down MS's path. If you falter or fall you will find helping hands tot reaching out to you to pull you back to your feet. We have broad broad shoulders to lean on where you can feel free to vent on us or even cry on our shoulders as long as you realize we might cry with you. We will learn much about MS from each other. Simply jump in on a post that you have questions about or information that might help someone. This will allow everyone to get to know you and you to get to know us. The more you interact the quicker you'll feel at home here. I want you to go away from our first conversation with the thought that together we are stronger! Take care of yourself and we hope to hear from you soon.
I'm sorry about your diagnosis, but we can surely relate. This chat room can be such a comfort in dealing with MS. I've found a wealth of information, and maybe more importantly, great support.
Please keep us posted on your progress.
Debrajo welcome. I agree with the others, learn, ask, rest, manage stress, and as best as able, maintain a healthy lifestyle. And bathe in the warmth and support of this group ☀️
Thank you. My biggest problems are resting and stress. Suggestions??
Debrajo of course you have to find what works for you, but I'm using an app called Head Space to meditate for 10 minutes a day. That seems to help me.
There was a review of a book about rest in the NYT this morning. Said that rest should be purposeful and scheduled into your day just like work and other demands. I liked the authors quote: work provides a means to live. Rest provides a meaning to life.
Of course, that's all easier if you feel well enough and have the energy and financial resources to engage in meaningful and creative rest.
Many of us have shared our creations here. And I think most of us would identify them as purposeful rest?
My 2 cents. Hope helpful?
try to talk with people who have ms, from experience no body else with understand
try to kept a good attitude tom

Hi Debrajo and Welcome to our wonderful site 😊 Sorry it's for this monster tho. We all have been where you are, or just about there, or helping someone there. It's alot to take in all at once... And it's never the same.. so please feel free to ask what you want or to vent. Most of all tho you will find us supportive.
How did you hear about us btw?
Through a copaxone booklet. Thank you so much.
Debrajo it's kind of scary when you 1st find out. You already suspect it, but to hear the words. It just makes it final. And it s**ks.
You going to have your good days and your bad days. Live for the good days 😊
I was dx'ed 18mos ago and my very 1st post was about how angry l was. 😠 It took time and some wonderful friends on here to help me get through it. Now don't get me wrong l still get ticked at this thing. But it's easier to handle.
We are never to far away.. 😊
Are you ready for Christmas?🎅
Oppes l meant to give you the MSAA website and number Debrajo they have all kinds of info, from videos, a lending library and webinars.
Call (800) 532-7667, extension 154
Jess, I don't think I am mad so much. I do get aggravated because I still work and my office doesn't seem to care. I get "you take off too much". I was shocked for a while. My husband and my primary care had me get a disability permit. When I went I picked it up it just made it really real. My husband and my son have been great as they went with me through everything and then when the nurse came by the house they were right there to learn how to help with injections. As for Christmas I am I am ready but I did the decorating myself. Lol
Your very welcome Debrajo Arnt there laws against that? I'm pretty sure he can't say that to you. But something to ck out in your state.
As far as people understanding, it's a catch 22. How do we explain something that changes day to day. Not to mention people just went aware of the word. It's of no fault of there own.
That's awesome that you have a great support system! They are so important for your bad days. ☺
Hang on it's gonna be a h*** of a roller coaster ride!😁😊
Ps I did all the decorating here to. 😅
Thank you so much. I just got to cleaning the house and making dinner and had to sit down. Husband and son playing Xbox. I kept pushing myself. Took my son outside to show the decorations and fell. My son caught me then my husband wanted me to make his lunch but to stay seated. Just feel like things are hard. They want everything done but don't want to help. They are wonderful but at times I guess I just spoiled them before my diagnosis
Debrajo Sometimes talking to your family is the hardest. But you have to learn to keep the lines of communication open. And let them know, the conversation has changed. It's about what MS wants now. Not you or them. All you can do is what you can.
I do everything in stages. 😁 Might take me longer, but less of a price to pay.
I always tell my children ,you go to work to survive not to let people degrade you.Most people pick positive friends and kept them close .
pixie1120 l always told my girls "friends come and go, but sisters are forever" 💓 The calls l would get from the schools. Ugh
They learned at a pretty young age tho, if you want something you work for it. ☺Our home was supply and demand. There was always a demad, never enough supply 😅😅
I read through the responses and someone mentioned your visiting nurse, but don't forget the help-lines that most MS drug companies sponsor. The people there can be a great source of support and information.
Debrajo, it's Fancy1959. How was your christmas! I'm sorry I haven't checked in for a few days but with the holidays it's been kind of busy. I take it you had a few days off work at Eastern Kentucky University. I'm sure you deserve that and more. Did you get any really nice surprises for Christmas? My biggest and best thing was all 3 of my boys came in Christmas Eve and we exchange gifts it was fun. I've got my husband busy sitting in his recliner with the 3D glasses on trying to figure out how to work the 3D glasses that you hook to your smartphone. It's great fun watching him do it. Hee, hee!
Nothing important is up I just wanted to touch base and see how your Christmas went. If you have a chance the next few days give me a shout and we'll catch up. Take care it looks like bad weather coming in and I'll talk to you soon. Fancy
My Christmas was great. My husband got me a Fitbit that monitors heart and everything. Did you get anything awesome??
My only problem is I am getting bruises and busted blood vessels from the injections. 😞😔 I see my primary care tomorrow. I have tried all kinds of things but nothing is helping.
Question??? How did you become an ambassador?? Did I ever give you my cell number in case you needed anything you can contact me